Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Us Texas Folks Be Like:

 Us Texas Folks be like:  "On a positive note, I haven't seen any mosquitos."

Oh....the Winter's in Texas!  82 most of all last week.  Below freezing this week!  Expected upper 60's next week.  

Seriously, school was canceled yesterday, as well as today.  Here is what we have!!

My poor Bridal Wreath Spirea.  Last week, the weather was telling it that it was Spring and time to bloom.   Today, Ice is covering the branches.

Ice on the roof and dripping from the gutters.

Our Pomegranate Tree.  I'm hoping the limbs stay in tack and don't break.  

Ice on all of the branches of the trees.  I have seen pictures of a few BIG trees that have completely fallen, due to so much ice.

Pool chairs!!!  And to think, last week I was ready to take the pool cover off and get ready to swim.  lol.   It was so warm last week that I actually sat out by the pool to get started on my sun tan.  

Us Texas Folks be like......Is it Winter or is it Summer??   

Last week, I had on shorts...Today, it's all warm clothing.  

Texas weather sometimes looks like a Lottery ticket:  

        A.  28, 34, 67, 77, 90,   20

        B.  32, 34, 89, 95, 96,   87

This is what a one week range of temps can look like.

 So yes, school is closed, and most things are cancelled.    The roads are clear....bridges have some ice.....and the temps are low.  

All of these things qualify us Texans to say:  "Sorry folks, Winter is here and we are iced in!"

On a SERIOUS note: Ice is very DANGEROUS.  Not only for drivers on the road, but in East Texas, the weight of the ice on our big trees is dangerous in itself.  There are huge limbs falling on houses as well as the Roads and streets, causing a good bit of damage.   Please be careful out there.   

Everyone stay safe!



  1. Oh my gosh, you have given me a good laugh. I hope all your plants survive after being shocked so much! It has been hot here one day, then freezing the next. But you don't expect that in Texas! Your ice on the trees pics are really pretty, though!

  2. Yeah, but that ice is no joke! 🥶 a quarter inch of it shut down my entire Southern town a few years back. Everyone made fun of us, but no one could drive in it.

  3. How funny!! I know that the ice is a very serious thing in Texas, and I feel sorry for anyone who drives on it. Idaho is so extremely cold right now, but guess what? I'm still seeing people going into stores with shorts and slippers on!! It's the same everywhere, just different funny!! Thanks for the giggles! Hugs, Barb

  4. Hi, First I want to let you know I am receiving your comments on my blog. Thank you for asking. I know blogger acts up OFTEN.
    Sending you hugs!! You are right, ice is no joke. I would much rather have snow.

  5. Oh it looks so icy cold there. And I thought our NC weather was funny...temperatures all over the place. Supposed to drop to 17 tonight and back up to sunny and 65 degrees by the middle of next week. My flowering quince is in bloom and there are a couple of blooms on the spirea button bush. I LOVE the bridal wreath spirea, but do not have one. Take care in all that ice!


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