Sunday, January 29, 2023

How Deep is the Mud?

How deep is the mud?  As they say, it depends on who you ask!

This was true for us this morning.  😁😂😁

Grandson #4 (Trey) and his girlfriend (Savannah) are BIG duck hunters.  No matter what the weather, you can find them down at the farm, at one of the lakes, waiting for the ducks to come in.  

This morning they headed out EARLY, only to find themselves Stuck!  Yep, the truck was stuck in the saturated road at the farm.   

This certainly did not stop them from continuing on their hunt.  
Both of them, plus Jake the old dog, loaded up on the gator and headed on out.  But not without making a call to "Pops" to see if he could meet them later in the morning to help get the truck out of the mud.

A couple hours later, Pops and I rode down to the big lake at the farm and waited for them to finish their hunt.    I did find an interesting tree that I thought was pretty neat.  I grabbed a couple of pictures........

Looks like two trees growing together, but I saw so many neat things including the little tree hollow at the bottom.  I'm sure this is a home for some mouse family.

I saw a little face on the bark and, I thought the moss was so pretty.  Such a vibrant green.  And just look at the old muscadine vine hanging on the side.  Beautiful!!

Getting the truck and trailer unstuck was very easy!  Sam backed up to the trailer and pulled both the truck and trailer out BACKWARDS.  

This Duck hunting trip did not prove to be successful as far as killing any ducks......BUT......lots of great memories were made!

So how deep is the mud?  If you get your truck's pretty deep!!!   

Looks like we will not be having any Duck Cigars this year, but there is always next year to look forward to.  If you have never tried a Duck Cigar, then you need to try them.  

There are several recipes on the internet as to how to make these.  
I personally do not have the recipe....Our grandsons make them and they are delicious!  

We had a great, very rainy day, filled with laughs!



  1. Hi Shug~ I love the quote! I guess it's best to stay out out of the mud! Isn't it funny how grandpa can always save the day?! That old tree is beautiful, and yes, I could see a little face on it. I have never even heard of, duck cigars. Now, I will have to go look up a recipe. My hunters aren't big duck hunters, maybe it's just because we don't know how to fix them! Have a wonderful week, Shug. Hugs, Barb

  2. Oh what a fun post. Happy Muddy Memories, thank you for sharing this story.


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