Thursday, January 26, 2023

 I sure love it when days go smooth and all you have to do is enjoy doing what you love to do.  

Of course, we all have days when things go awry!!

I noticed a few weeks ago that my laptop was not working properly and seemed a bit slow.  Not only was it slow, but the keys did not seem to work smoothly. 


My Apple computer died......

I was sure hoping that it could be repaired.....after all, it was only 4 years old...🤔

Did you know that TECH guys are the hardest people to get in touch with?  After getting no where on the phone, I finally took my laptop in to the shop.  

NOPE,   it could not be fixed! Surprise, surprise.

I had to buy a new laptop and I, just today, was able to pick it up.   

Happy early Valentines 💝 to me!

Will be catching up on reading all of your post the next few days.  


1 comment:

  1. Hi Shug~ I really hate it when my computer breaks down...and it does, especially when it's inconvenient.There are a couple of places here that I like to go to, but you are right, they are so hard to get in touch with! So glad you are back in business! Hugs, Barb


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........