Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sweet Friend

 My Beautiful, Sweet Friend....(Susie) gave me a beautiful Amaryllis a few weeks ago.  

I had never seen one grown like this.....with a wax covering around the bulb.  The great thing never have to water it!!  

A friend of hers gave her one last year and she said it has bloomed about 3 times already.  Mine bloomed and was Beautiful.  

I am so excited about watching it "do its thing."   

"If only we can unfold our hearts like a flower to beautiful songs, we will find our lives blooming, 

blossoming and flourishing."       _BJ Sam



  1. It is gorgeous, and makes such a beautiful header with your matching background. I have seen these in stores, but had no idea how they worked. How can it be that they don't need water!!!

  2. Hi Shug~ How gorgeous, what a good friend! My daughter gave one to me right before Christmas, it has bloomed once, and is going to bloom again soon. I can see another little pod coming up from the bottom. I am facinated with these beautiful little plants. Love the quote! Hugs, Barb

  3. I enjoy amaryllis, last year one of mine did not bloom, the problem was it had rot.


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........