Thursday, November 10, 2022



One of my favorite dishes at Thanksgiving is the Cranberry salad!

Seriously, just looking at this picture sets me on fire about our upcoming Thanksgiving dinner.  

My mom ALWAYS made the congealed, cranberry salad, complete with pecans.  Guys, don't seem to enjoy this dish as much as they do the plain ol' cranberries, straight out of the can.

My second most favorite dish is the Cornbread Dressing!!

Not just any dressing........It has to be the Southern dish of dressing......with plenty of sage!
A pan of cornbread, eggs, boiled eggs, celery, onions, white bread, chicken broth, and of course, a little bit of chicken.   AND.... the SAGE, pepper, salt and maybe a little bit of poultry seasoning. 

All this with some good cooked Giblet Gravy! 
My goodness.....this is some fine eating.

Corn is a must on the table.  I'm almost positive, (without being there with the pilgrims in person,) that there was CORN at the first Thanksgiving feast. 
YUM and YUM!  



One thing about this dish is that it can be refrigerated and reheated as often as need be.  We usually eat on the leftovers the rest of the week after Thanksgiving.

My least favorite thing to make ......
Deviled Eggs!  I didn't say my least favorite thing to eat, cause goodness knows that I love them!

I just find them so challenging for me.  Sometimes the peel comes off of the eggs perfectly, and sometimes it is a nightmare to get them off.  

Here is just a small list of the other Thanksgiving Foods/drinks that my family enjoys..
1.  green bean casserole
2.  Pistachio salad
3. cherry fluff salad
4. English Pea Salad
5. Creamed Potatoes
6. Rolls
7.  Ham & Turkey
8. Pies of all kinds
9.  German Chocolate Cake
10.  Southern Sweet tea

All of this can truly be a feast, and the entire family loves for me to cook as much of it as I can.  Our Thanksgiving LUNCH, turns in to a Thanksgiving Dinner as well, and I can assure you that there are very few leftovers!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am so very Thankful for family and friends...

Shug 🍲


  1. Deviled eggs are a pain to make. The food all looks so good and I hope you don't have to make it ALL! Phil loves the jellied cranberry sauce in the can, not the fresh berries!

  2. Okay... we are getting in the car and driving to your house for Thanksgiving. YUM!!!! :-)
    My sister and her husband use to own and operate a cranberry farm.

  3. All of these foods are so good. Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year.

  4. Hi Shug! Wow, what a list of goodies! I think it's so interesting to see all the foods that people around the country love to eat at Thanksgiving. Of course we all have turkey, stuffing, cranberry everything, and pumpkin pie, that's a given! But I don't think it's all cooked the same. I would love to have Thanksgiving in a true Southern kitchen, it all sounds so delicious!! Have a wonderful week-end! Hugs, Barb


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