Saturday, November 5, 2022

November is here and we are getting so close to Thanksgiving!  I truly enjoy everything about Thanksgiving.....The reason we celebrate this day, the food, family, traditions, more food, and much more!   

AND.....I really enjoy Thanksgiving when the weather is cool/cold and what I like to call......comfy sweater weather!

I love seeing a big ol' basted brown turkey on the table, however, I will admit that I am not a turkey eater!  

The only Turkey meat that I somewhat like is a "Greenberg Turkey!"  I'm almost certain that most of you have heard of these.  At one time, this Turkey was on Oprah's favorite things list.  

Thanksgiving is such a special time, but I feel like this holiday kinda gets cheated, because so many people like to decorate for Christmas EARLY!!!!!  

I actually stopped by Hobby Lobby this afternoon, and just turned around and walked out!!  There were about 10 checkers, and at least 20 people deep in all lines, checking out FULL buggies of Christmas Decor!!

My Neighbor across the street from me.......HAS HER CHRISTMAS TREE UP........ ALREADY!!!

I went over to check out her tree this past Friday, and her entire house (inside) is totally decorated for Christmas.  Of course, she showed me the placemats that she is using for her Thanksgiving meal, and they do say "Thankful" and have Fall colors on them.  

How many of you put your Christmas Tree up before Thanksgiving?  
I sometimes do and then there are other years when I wait until the day after Thanksgiving.  

I love the smell of fresh cut trees, but in Texas you just don't dare put up a fresh tree early.  

The thing I enjoy most about the tree, are the lights.
I love a lighted tree in the room as it gets dark outside.  

I'm thinking that I'll wait to put my tree up this year.  I have so many projects that I'm working on right now, that I honestly do not have the time to even thing about getting the tree out of storage.  

If I lived up North where it snows a lot, and the weather is cold, I might keep a live, lit tree in our living room all winter!  Love the Smell, Love the lights!!

Just pondering some thoughts about the Holidays!!



  1. Beautiful header today! I always wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put out our Christmas decorations. It just doesn't make sense to have a holiday with the wrong decorations up! But today I saw a Christmas tree in the window of a restaraunt. Your Hobby Lobby story is amazing!! Now I won't be surprised the next time we go there.

  2. We always wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put up our Christmas decorations and tree. We make the weekend into the Christmas decorating weekend. And we start to watch our favorite Christmas movies too. :-)

  3. Enjoyed this post. I never give Christmas decorations a thought until after Thanksgiving. I noticed the stores started earlier than ever putting out Christmas things. Seem like time is going faster these days, maybe that's why. Thanksgiving will be here and gone before we know it. I do wish the days would slow down a little. :) You look pretty in the pictures in your last post!


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