Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Best Wrap

Today has been such a great day.........Nothing big going on, just a good ol' work day.   I've been working out in the flower beds!!  

My header picture is a "Wrap" that I happened to see on one of the electrical boxes in town!  The city of Tyler has wrapped all of the electrical boxes in all kinds of different pictures!  They really dress up the old metal boxes and it makes the city look great!! 

What I like about this particular one, is the positive writings on it.   'Create Positivity". " Be Kind". "Pay it Forward"

"Love Others". "Make Someone's Day Special". "We rise by lifting others."  "Have Compassion"

These are all things that we can all do.....everyday!!

Such a great Wrap!!



  1. This is such a great idea! I wish all cities did it.

  2. So true. What a neat idea. I really like your sweet bear, in your last post.

  3. I love this idea. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  4. Fun!
    Can't wait to see what you put in your
    flower beds.

    M : )


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