Monday, May 17, 2021

 Many times, on our social media pages, we have a tendency to make our post look as if we live an almost perfect life.   Sometimes it can become a little depressing when you read what others post, and something in the back of your mind, causes you to think...."Gosh, I sure wish my life was that good!"

I'm pretty sure that most of you know exactly what I'm talking about.  It is easy to complain and say "God, why haven't you given me the things I want?"  "Why don't you do for me like you do for others?"

I am so thankful for every Blessing the Lord gives me.  I am so thankful that He has given me the ability to Trust in HIM.  He grants me Peace in my soul to be satisfied and He watches over me when I do stumble on thoughts of needing worldly things.   God simply has a way of getting my attention when I allow my thoughts to go into the self-pity PIT!

I really do like social media, because it allows me the opportunity to keep up with friends and I enjoy learning about growing plants, gathering new recipes, praying for others or with them.  There is so much good that can be done through our social media pages, but I truly pray that I never post things that would cause anyone to feel bad or to question God about their own Blessings.   

I just felt the need to post this today....I don't have any idea why this has been on my mind, but it has been and I thought I would share!



  1. Been there. Lots of blogs are pretty shiny and fancy.
    I have learned that my little blog is fine the way it is.
    I have control and post what I like.
    I know that the blog friends --you included are just fine with it that way.

    We just have to keep plugging right along.

    Love your header picture.

    M : )

  2. I do understand. Sometimes I wonder how others lives really are, and I question whether I am being open and honest. I try to be, but I am human.

  3. I find social media to be a double edged sword. It is so great for keeping in touch with and seeing friends and relatives far away. But it turns nasty so easily when people post nasty political comments, and other kinds of NOT uplifting things.

  4. I agree... we can make things look perfect in our life. But life is messy, it hurts and things are not perfect.
    I love your header!!
    Thank you for this post.

  5. I feel ya! This is especially true in my small town, on Facebook. It makes it look like people are perfect with families that never make a mistake. Life just isn't like that.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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