Sunday, February 28, 2021

 Happy Sunday morning dear friends.....

I would LOVE for the 🌞 to be shining today, but we have cloudy skies and rain today!  This is perfectly OK because God sends us HIS most beautiful days....EVERYDAY!

I hope that today.....your heart will be filled with the Holy Spirit ..... and that you will feel the very breath of God as it falls upon you!!    

Each day brings new life, and with it, we can choose to see good or bad!  Although there are many challenges right now, I know that my Lord and Savior is in control and it is a huge Blessing to know that HE loves me, HE watches over me, HE provides for me and HE will never fail me.   Praise the Lord!!!!!

May God's Blessings bring exceeding happiness to you today!!




  1. Sug, this is a wonderful and meaningful Sunday devotional. And your header of the mountains is gorgeous! "I will lift up my eyes to the hills..."

  2. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. I have no idea how I could cope without Jesus in my life. He has it all under control.

  3. Thank you and keeping these words close to my heart.

  4. Hi Shug!

    What wonderful thoughts to end my night with. May God's richest blessings be yours as well dear friend!!

    Hugs and Love,

  5. I would not be able to make it through the day without leaning on my Lord and Savior. Have a great humpday!


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