Tuesday, March 3, 2020

I absolutely love to Journal...... I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned this several times.   It makes me feel so relaxed and free, whatever that means.   LOL

No Pens for me!!!   I am a pencil kind of gal.   I find it very difficult to journal, using a pen.    

The exception is when I Bible Journal......   I usually use colored pens for my art work.   

I also love to Blog, but.....I have been very limited in posting since last July.   

I mentioned a few post ago, that I hurt my index finger back in July last year.   I injured it by accidentally jamming the teeth of a comb between my nail and the nail bed.   OUCH!!!

You can not imagine the heck that I have had with this finger.  Staph....draining....Staph.....Antibiotics....surgery.....more antibiotics and now infected again.   

I do not like taking medicine and I especially do not like taking Antibiotics.    

I have an appointment tomorrow to see an infectious disease Dr. 
to try to find out exactly what the strain of the infection is and to try to decide if I need another surgery.

Needless to say.... I have been very limited on writing or using my computer to blog.  The index finger on the right hand is very important, ESPECIALLY if you are Right handed.

I suppose I need a computer that will allow me to talk into the speaker, and it will automatically type for me.    Of course, with my Southern, Texas accent.....I'm not so sure that the words would come out so good.    

Hope to be back posting at least weekly..... REAL SOON!



  1. I am so sorry you have such a serious condition with your finger, and even had surgery, and ongoing treatment. I hope the doctors figure out the right course of treatment for you. I think you would like the book I am studying now, Finding Joy in Philippians, since it has art work to color on each page, including book marks to color. Paul used the words joy and rejoice 18 times in Philippians, a great reminder to us. Be well.

  2. Ouch!!! I hope you get that resolved soon. The fingertips and under the nail can be so very painful.

  3. Hi Shug~

    Oh my gosh, that sounds horrible! I hope that you can heal without another surgery! Isn't it funny the things that can make you sick? My grandmother stepped on a toothpick once and almost had to have her foot taken off, it was terrible! You will be in my prayers for a quick recovery!

    My blog is my journal, I'm not great about posting as often as I should, but when I do, I love it! I'm also a pencil girl ;0)

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, God is good!!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble with the infection, Shug, prayers for healing.
    I love to do both but have found lately that it is hard to do both,
    Have a blessed evening.


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