Saturday, March 7, 2020

Have you ever taken the time to figure how many minutes are in a day?  In a 24 hour period of time, there are....One thousand, four hundred and forty minutes in a day.  

Many people spend about 16 hours per day.......AWAKE!   Some of us spend less than this.   Me being one of them!   And some people only require a few hours of rest per night, allowing them to be up a longer amount of time.

I read a post a few months ago, talking about how we invest our 
TIME.   For many, they spend the majority of their day at work, or traveling to and from work.  Some of us who do not work out of the home, spend many hours cooking, cleaning, gardening, running errands, and so on and so on.

Many of us have hobbies that can take up a lot of our time.   

What came to my mind about this topic was....How do I invest my time in the way that would be pleasing to the Lord.   I am very much dedicated to family and a huge portion of my time is spent  making sure that they are all taken care of.   This is a huge job!

Cooking and feeding them, following them to their games or whatever else they are involved in, sewing and mending, running errands for them, going to Dr's appointments with them.   This list goes on and on.   However, the most important job for me is in making sure that they all know I am praying for them all of the time.  Making sure they know how important their relationship with the Lord is.

I have to make sure that they know that their wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, is constantly praying over them as they go throughout their day.  

Not only do I invest my time in taking care of my family, but a very critical way I spend my time is in making sure that I take care of myself.....   This means my health, mental health, my happiness and joy, my marriage, and in having a strong relationship with the Lord.  

Investment in my time is very important to me because it it guides me through each and every day, in making sure that my life is good.

How do you invest your time?



  1. "I have to make sure that they know that their wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, is constantly praying over them as they go throughout their day."

    This is the most important thing, prayer.

  2. I find it interesting that you mention the importance of taking care of yourself. AS I was growing up it was always stressed that others mattered more than I do, so I have had to learn to take good care of myself. I know that I can be of no use to anyone if I am not functioning well. Yes, my time with the Lord is of utmost importance and right next to that is my family.

  3. Thought provoking, and everyone should think about this. Your main job is so important!!!

  4. Sometimes I just feel like I am a hamster in a wheel.
    Other times I am focused and then there are the time when I just park
    myself and sit but I don't do that often enough cause I am ALWAYS
    thinking I should be doing something.
    ME time is hard for women, we think we have to be busy ALL the time.

    Enjoy your day!

    M : )

  5. Well, My grandchild is way out in Arizona and I would do the same if I could. Oh well..... Lucky you.

  6. Great post, Shug, so much encouragement , thank you for sharing and reminding me of what is most important.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. How do I invest my time???? Well---first of all, I want to make my husband happy and be with him... We help each other!!!! We take time for each other. That's so important at our ages.

    I invest my time doing what I need to do to stay healthy... We eat healthy. I drink 64 oz of water each day. We follow a basic schedule going to bed together at the same time each night.. We work on our exercise... ETC ETC ETC....

    I am on the computer a lot (Blogs, Facebook, Genealogy, Emails, Food Journal, Regular Journal, Texts, etc.)... LOVE it....

    Hope you are doing okay as we go through this Virus Scare. No Covid 19 cases in our county so far --but we are being very very careful through this Virus scare. We also are not panicking --and definitely not hoarding items/food, etc... People can be nuts at times like this.

    Stay Healthy and Safe!!

  8. WOW, such an encouraging post, Shug, thank you for sharing.


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