Monday, February 24, 2020

Check out my gorgeous 11 day old roses!   Sam sent these to me for valentines and they are still beautiful.    

Big shout out to Stacie.....the floral designer of my dozen roses.


This morning, I came across this little entry in one of my journals 
from 2017...

I have many passions in life, but my greatest is in Serving the Lord!

Serving Him makes my heart sing!!



  1. The roses are so beautiful, Shug, wow, after 11 days they still look so fresh!.
    I love the journal note, so true, I hope your finger is healing well.
    Have a great week,

  2. I would never have guessed how old they are; they are beautiful!!

  3. Hi Shug~

    What gorgeous roses! I can tell you are loved!!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. What a vibrant red in your roses, and I see we share the same passion for serving our Lord.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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