Thursday, February 13, 2020

First of all.....I want to apologize for not being able to Comment on each of your blog post.   I have had an infection in my finger for a few months now, and actually had to have surgery a few weeks ago. It's my index (Pointer) finger on my right hand.....SO, this limits what I can do!   Typing is super difficult.   


So many things about Valentines, that I LOVE!

Valentines is known as the day of ROMANCE........

Roses, Lilies, all kinds of flowers........CHOCOLATE,  Cards,
Jewelry,  Chocolate covered Strawberries, Stuffed animals, CHOCOLATE.....  these are just a few
of the things that are given to sweethearts on valentines day.

I've covered the gift part, but then comes the Romantic Dinner out,
the extra-SWEET words that we all love to hear, and sometimes a weekend away.

Valentines can really be expensive!

Or.......   Valentines can be a day that cost nothing!

Nothing accept ......  True Love for one another.   

A handmade card has so much meaning because you know it truly came from the heart...   a couple sharing a bowl of ice cream with a cherry on can't beat this!   Just a simple I LOVE YOU is perfect!! 

Sam is always so good when it comes to giving to his girls (and ME), not only at Valentines, but every day of the year!

It brings him much joy when his daughters and granddaughters open their Valentine cards, and when they look at the beautiful roses he has given them.  They always give him the biggest hugs and I truly believe that he feels like a big ol' Loveable Teddy Bear!

I saw a FB post today, saying...."I wish I could get a refund on all the Love that I have wasted on people"........    This post blew me away!

We are all called to Love one another........

And now abide Faith, Hope and Love, these three;
but the greatest of these is LOVE.

                                               1 Corinthians 13:13

How can any Love you have given be Wasted..... God calls us to Love everyone?

I am extremely thankful for all of the LOVE that surrounds me.....   Valentines is a special day to 
celebrate LOVE, however, I feel LOVE every single day.

Well.... An hour and half later, I now have this post done. LOL

Hope you all have a very special Valentines!!



  1. Hi Shug!

    So sorry about your finger, I really hope it's doing better and that you will be back to yourself very quickly!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!! I can see that your day will be filled with love!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. You are so right, love is the greatest commandment of all!!! How did you get the infection? I hope it heals fast. And I hope you have a great Valentine's Day!

  3. "I saw a FB post today, saying...."I wish I could get a refund on all the Love that I have wasted on people"........ This post blew me away!"

    Ugh. I don't know if I would want to read that or not. Blaaaagh. 🙁

    But it makes me think of a quote I read once. It was along the lines of the more we give away, the more we have.

  4. So sorry about your finger..I hope it is not too painful. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Sam.

  5. Sounds like you had an awesome Valentine's Day.

    I hope you finger is feeling better.

    M : )


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