Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Looks like I just missed being able to say "Good Morning."  The time here is now 12:29.

So......Good Afternoon from Texas!   The state where you can experience all four seasons in one day.   All that needs to be done, is to change the decor ever few hours and you can have Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.  The outside temps will accommodate whatever season you want.     LOL.

This past Sunday, the temp was over 75 degrees.....And, just this morning my Air Conditioner automatically came on.  Which means, it is warm in the house.   Tomorrow, we could see freezing rain and the temps are suppose to be in the low 30's.   

My header photo was taken by my Air Force kiddos!    They arrived at their NEW destination and are trying to get all settled in.   I'm loving the weather that they have in their location.  

These are a few pictures that they took along the way.....traveling from one base to the other.....

Making memories that will last a lifetime.....

                                           Fun times......and I can't wait to see what this part of the journey has in store for them.    

They were able to experience all kinds of weather along the way and even played in the snow!!  Something that we don't see very often!

 Emersyn "Emma" Kate Thomison will be here in about  4 months, and I can not wait to fly across the Country to spend time with them.   Hopefully it will be cooler where they are...much cooler from what the temps will be here in TEXAS, come May.  

Life is fun....Life is Good



  1. Great photos!

    Razzle Dazzle housewife 😄

  2. Hi Shug~

    How exciting for your kids! What fun to experience snow when they don't see it very often, and especially fun for their little guy. I wish them luck and safety in their journey!

    We are freezing cold here in Idaho, but I know it won't last, Spring will be here, then Summer, then Fall, and around and around we will go. Enjoy your sunshine!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. These upright cars in the sand is quite something!! And that looks like some kind of succulent growing on the beach. They look so very happy and are having such fun!! You have a lot to look forward to!

  4. Great pictures..... What a great opportunity to see some of the west --as they moved to CA..... I'm sure you and Sam will head there soon!!!!!! When is the great grandbaby due??????



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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...