Thursday, January 16, 2020

Spuds, Tater's, Masher's........  Just a few names for the good ol' 


How important are potatoes in your family?   I mostly try to fix 
sweet potatoes around here.   Sam and I both love them and supposedly, they are more healthy.   However....I do love fries as well as mashed potatoes.   I call them mashed potatoes, but a lot of people call them creamed potatoes.  

This afternoon, I was in the kitchen.....peeling potatoes for the Potato Soup that we are having for dinner.  I must admit, peeling
potatoes is not one of those jobs that I love to do.  

As I was peeling the potatoes, my mind wandered back in time to when I was young and helped my mom in the kitchen.   We ALWAYS had some kind of potatoes on the dinner menu.  Peeling the potatoes was a job that my sister and I shared.   

Joyce, my sister, never seemed to get in trouble when it was her day to peel those dreaded white root vegetables. for me, I got in trouble, quite often.   Actually, my mom was simply trying to teach me to peel a potato the correct way, without wasting most of them.   

There was always more potato on the peelings than what there was on the actual potato that we were cooking!!!!    LOL....

Kinda like this!!!!

Of course.....back in the early 60' was a huge stretch on the grocery money, trying to feed a family of 6.   

I can still hear my mother telling me not to cut all the good potato away.   I'm pretty sure that my ultimate goal when helping her in the kitchen, was to HURRY so I could get back outside to play.   
Yep....even at 12 years old and 13 and on up....I loved to play outside!

I'm not sure that I have ever peeled potatoes correctly, but I sure do have a lot of good memories thinking about how many times I got in trouble for not trying to do so.   




  1. Hi Shug~

    Well, as you know, I am from Idaho...with potato fields all around me, and a potato warehouse less than 2 miles down the road! I love potatoes and have been eating them as long as I remember! Isn't it funny that potatoes are a staple for most households in the United States?! I remember reading a story about my great-grandparents, who migrated to Idaho in the early 1800's. They had no money for a potato seed so they saved their potato peelings and planted them when they started to sprout. It was their first crop of "spuds" after they moved here. So many great potato stories here in Idaho!!

    Fun post and I'm sure your potato soup was yummy!! I have never had fried sweet potatoes, I'll have to try them!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. I know that I do not peel potatoes thin enough, but I also know that I have peeled many, many pounds of them. They are still on my table a couple of times a week.

  3. I don't peel potatoes very well either.
    We love them too.

    M : )

  4. I love potatoes, just about any way they're made, but don't like the peeling job much. I made shredded hashbrowns for breakfast yesterday, thanks to Ore Ida. Take care

  5. Hi There Texas Friend.... I guess we ALL grew up peeling and eating potatoes... I love potatoes --any way at all.... I also like Sweet Potatoes (which are better for us) --but not as much as I do as good ole Baked Potato with the fixings.... YUM.

    BUT--since my Diabetes Type II (2004) and now my A Fib, I have to be SO careful what I eat.... SO---we have NOT had any potatoes in the house AT ALL in over a year now.... We just don't eat many carbs these days --other than the 'healthy' ones (veggies/fruits, etc.).... Do I miss them? YES. Do I miss Pizza? YES.... Do I miss pasta? YES... BUT??? It's all about my life now --not my pleasures... Dang!

    You mentioned Ice Cream in your previous post.... I also LOVE Ice Cream. Plain ole Vanilla is my choice!!!! YUM.... Can I have that now? NOT MUCH AT ALL --since I try not to eat much sugar either....

    Life goes on. I'm still ALIVE... I'm happy!!!! Life is GOOD.



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