Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Can You Believe that it really is 2020?

I must admit...... I have found myself quoting Barbara Walters a lot...  

you know........"I'm Barbara Walters, and this is 2020!!!!!!!

Hopefully this will pass real soon..... LOL! 😂

I always find it very refreshing at the start of a NEW YEAR.   A new Beginning!    Just the very thought of a new start, and a new road for a new journey is very exciting....   

The roads that I traveled this past year were pretty great, so how could I even think of looking at any changes?    I guess just having a Fresh start,  to perhaps take the things I've learned and pass them on others, is what New Beginnings are about.   Sharing with others..

God has greatly showered us with Blessings, and I just long to share so much with family and friends.    

I have already started a NEW Prayer is wonderful to look back and see the many answered prayers and Blessings that God has blanketed us with!

I'm looking forward to the things that will be happening in this New Year of 2020.

A new journey for our Air Force Family......Moving from the East Coast to the West Coast.    A NEW Baby GIRL coming in May!!!!!!
A family vacation with all of the FAMILY......Our Granddaughter graduates this year.....We are going on an alaskan Cruise.....
A trip to California.....Two grandchildren will be going off to College....Birthdays....Anniversaries....and Great things happening spiritually.....

2020.......   I am excited about you!!!


Blessings to each of you!!!


  1. 🎉Happy New Year, Shug! Congrats on the new baby coming in May. 🤗

  2. Wow you have such an exciting year planned!! And I hope you take us everywhere with you, in pictures! Your header of the sparkler is astounding!!! Makes me think of you, and how you sparkle!

  3. Enjoy all the special things you have coming up. Happy New Year.

  4. Happy New Year!!

    Wow, you have your calendar quite full already!

    Sounds like it will be fun AND busy.

    M : )


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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