Friday, December 27, 2019

Happy Friday evening......    My days have really been mixed up.   

Today has seemed like Saturday and yesterday seemed like Saturday as well....    

Hoping everyone enjoyed a Blessed Christmas!   My family certainly did.   The celebration of the Birth of our Lord and Savior is the Best Blessing of all.   

Our family enjoyed some awesome food, along with some great family time!

A cute game that I made up for the grands to play for Christmas Eve.   They had a great time......even Tucker, who had to wear the big red bra!!!   He was a good sport about it!!!   

I collected all kinds of Christmas wear and each piece of garment was wrapped.... They each chose about 7 packages and as they were blind folded, they had to unwrap the gifts and put the piece of garment on. had to be put on properly.    

The first one to get their packages opened and all items on, won the prize.   Carson....the one with the pink pajama bottoms on, was this years winner.    He won a gift certificate to Starbucks!

Sam and Tori wore  a"Oh Snap" shirt and sweater.    Neither one of them knew that the other was going to wear "Oh Snap".....they loved it!

Sam and I had a pictured made at Church.    

Hope to see pictures from each of you and your Christmas celebrations....



  1. You really know how to have FUN, Shug! This picture of you and Sam is gorgeous!!

  2. Your fun game sounds and looks great.

  3. Wow, sounds like you had a great time!! I love the pictures, especially the one of you and Sam, just beautiful! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!

  4. Sounds like a very fun game. Love the group picture.
    Looking forward to visiting your blog again.


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Something New

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