Friday, December 27, 2019

Happy Friday evening......    My days have really been mixed up.   

Today has seemed like Saturday and yesterday seemed like Saturday as well....    

Hoping everyone enjoyed a Blessed Christmas!   My family certainly did.   The celebration of the Birth of our Lord and Savior is the Best Blessing of all.   

Our family enjoyed some awesome food, along with some great family time!

A cute game that I made up for the grands to play for Christmas Eve.   They had a great time......even Tucker, who had to wear the big red bra!!!   He was a good sport about it!!!   

I collected all kinds of Christmas wear and each piece of garment was wrapped.... They each chose about 7 packages and as they were blind folded, they had to unwrap the gifts and put the piece of garment on. had to be put on properly.    

The first one to get their packages opened and all items on, won the prize.   Carson....the one with the pink pajama bottoms on, was this years winner.    He won a gift certificate to Starbucks!

Sam and Tori wore  a"Oh Snap" shirt and sweater.    Neither one of them knew that the other was going to wear "Oh Snap".....they loved it!

Sam and I had a pictured made at Church.    

Hope to see pictures from each of you and your Christmas celebrations....


Wednesday, December 11, 2019


I HAVE HAD THIS OLD WINDOW FOR A VERY LONG TIME....  I'm constantly changing this thing and making something new out of it....   

This was difficult task.....I moved this old buffet ALL BY MYSELF.
I had to empty the thing and believe me it was full of dishes and stem glasses.    It wasn't an easy task, but I got it done. looks great in the New place.   

This old chicken feeder is always full of some kind of candy, and the kids LOVE it.   

This old Santa lantern looks great, sitting in front of my snake plant.   How many of you have a snake plant?  Some people call it a mother-in-law tongue....

Close up of my tree.......

I am very pleased with my Christmas decorations this year.   I didn't really even open the larger containers of Christmas Decor this year.   It's all kinda simple, but this is ok with me....

My new purchase for the Christmas season......A Christmas Gnome.

                        Now...time to finish wrapping gifts.....


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas around the House..... One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season, is to wrap gifts.   All of my packages have bows and decorations on them.   I just L♡ve  pretty wrappings.  

This particular gift belongs to my youngest daughter....Shanda Kay!
Perhaps she will read my blog and go looking for this present.

I've always loved this little Christmas rhyme and I was so excited when I found this sign.   Plus....I loved the RED!

"I"  think the Holly Jolly Christmas sign fits perfect on my shelf.  

I'm in LOVE!!

Just one of my sweet little snowmen.   Isn't he adorable?

My snowman tree....  It is a rare thing for us to get snow here in East Texas, but that doesn't stop me from loving Snowmen!

This is Twiggs...    Can you say ADORABLE!

I think a snowman tree should be left up, maybe through January.   


I did something a little different this year above the fireplace.  

Very Simple.....but I truly like it.

Buffalo Print is everywhere this year.....I know that Hobby Lobby has a whole lot of the black and red stuff. do I.

I do love it......😍

No doubt......that I really like the colors of RED and BLACK!

My kitchen cabinets are black.....and I have Red accents all around the house.....any time of the year.   

Tomorrow.....I'll post more pictures of my Christmas decor....

Shug ~

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

I'm still here!    Once life has been super busy.  Since 

the first part of September, I have been in full speed.   I haven't had

time to post lately and it looks like this month is just as busy as the 

past three.  

With the Thanksgiving Holiday being so late this year, it feels as

if we lost a week of getting Christmas shopping done.   I did go 

shopping with the girls on Black Friday, but I still have a few 

things to do.  I finished decorating the house today (or should I 

say....I finished doing all that I'm going to do this year!)

I'm pleased with it.....but it is a whole lot less than what I normally


I know I have a lot of catching up to do in reading all of your post.

Hope to get that done SOON!   

Sending hugs,


  What do you do when it is raining ☔ and you have come one thousand, six hundred and seventy one miles to swim in Shug's pool??  You sw...