Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy November 1st......   

The temperature outside is just perfect for me.   I do love the cooler weather......flip flops and all.   

Weather that causes people to bundle up from head to toe, means wearing pants, a short sleeve shirt and flip flops for me.   


I captured the photo in my header, while Sam and I were in Tennessee.   We were at a red light and as I looked up, this beautiful view was in my sight.   I would prefer for the electrical lines to have been somewhere else, but I think the perfect shot was having the sun shining right through the middle of the tree...


Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Trick R' Treat night.   My family had a great time, right here at our house.   We built a fire outdoors, had a Plinko game for the Trick R' Treaters to play, handed out candy, ate hotdogs and Homemade Deer Chili, AND had a great evening.   We even had orange lights hanging from the trees!

It was so cold outside and by the time the sun went down, I did have to grab a jacket for myself.   It was so much fun!!

My girls captured pictures, but I never seemed to find the time to take any shots on my phone.   Hopefully they will share with me.  

I'm looking forward to the weekend...    Hope you all enjoy a good one and that the weather is perfect for you to get out and do some fun things..



  1. That header picture is amazing. The bright sun shining right through the middle of the tree! You sure came along at just the right moment. You sound like my daughter Andee. She loves these cooler, to me cold, temperatures. Sounds like Halloween was fun at your house. We never get a trick or treater living out here in the woods.

  2. Sounds like an awesome time!
    It was too cold to sit outside this Halloween.
    We even had SNOW that morning! WE did end up with
    a few trick or treaters that night.

    M : )


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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...