Wednesday, November 6, 2019

This group of girls love playing Volleyball together.   The four girls on the first row, are all Seniors, and the second one from the left, is Tori, our granddaughter.  #4.     

This picture was taken yesterday afternoon, as the girls were headed out to play their first game in the PLAYOFFS!   Unfortunately, they lost last night to the lady Farmers of Farmerville, Texas.  

This was Tori's LAST game and I was a little sad, knowing that her Volleyball playing is now over.    I will say, she is a GREAT player and I have enjoyed watching her play these past 6 years!!

Tori.....holding her cute "Fat Head" that we have toted around all season long......

Not only did she play awesome last evening, but it was a great night for her in another way!   Her Brother, sister-in-law, and nephew were there to watch her play.

Tyler, Emalee and Keelan were able to make it to the game just before it started.   They drove from South Carolina, and the smile on Tori's face when she saw them was nothing but complete greatness.   She knew they were coming home for the week, but had no clue that they would make it to the game.   

I am beyond thrilled to have them home on leave for the next 8 days.   When they leave, they will go back to the base in SC for about a month and half, and then they will be off to California.  

Tyler will be stationed in California for at least the next 5 years.  
Sam and I plan to make a trip out there in late June.....after all, great grand baby 2 will be here the end of May and I can't wait.   

I'm thinking that I will be preoccupied for the next 8 days.....see y'all after that.



  1. Our granddaughter plays volleyball, so I know how sad the last game would be! I hope you have a great visit with everyone! The team picture is really good!

  2. Oh how very special! Enjoy that quality family time.


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