Monday, September 23, 2019

It's that time of year again!!   What time is it????

HOMECOMING   MUM  time!!    

Texas Homecoming Mums are a BIG thing......

Here in Texas.....There is no limit to the size of a Homecoming Mum.   Some of them are ridiculously HUGE!   And these things are not cheap!!!   On an average....the price is between $65.00 - $125.00 dollars   However,  $150.00 and UP ↑  is nothing for some of those gigantic mums.

I have had a whole lot of experience in making these things....something like 47 years of experience!!   I made mums when I had my flower shop....I made mums for my girls....Mums for grandson's girlfriends.....Mums for granddaughters....Mums for nieces....LOTS OF MUMS!!

Long ones....short ones....garter mums.....lighted mums....double mums....triple mums......  You name it, and I'm sure I have made it.

It can be a lot of fun making them, can also be very time consuming!!

a few supplies are needed.....and lots of ribbons.....

Fun......Fun....and more Fun!

Question:   Are Homecoming Mums popular in your area???   I'd like to know!  



  1. I can say with confidence that something like that is not done around here. Guess we have other traditions. I do like the extravagant look of these.

  2. Hi Shug~

    I have never heard of a, Homecoming Mum!! Are they like a corsage? They really are very pretty, and very big. How do they use them? I love seeing the way things are done in other parts of the country! The other day a friend told me that her son was asked to Homecoming with a puppy! He answered her by giving her back the puppy, with a tag that said "YES"!

    Have fun making Mums!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Oh my goodness, how I miss Homecoming in Texas! Those mums dragging the ground,loaded down with all kinds of treasures. Here in Oklahoma, they do mums but nothing on the scale of Texas! The first time I saw one here, I just about wet myself from laughing so hard!

    Grace & Peace,

  4. So pretty, but we don't have them up her that I
    know of.

    M : )

  5. Thanks for the memory, Homecoming mums were always big around here too!
    Thanks for sharing.


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