Wednesday, September 25, 2019

About Texas Homecoming Mums:  

When I was young and in elementary school, there was nothing sweeter than the smell of Homecoming Mums.  

Homecoming is always set for a special week during football season.  A long time ago, homecoming was a time when the alumni of years past, would come to that particular weeks football game.  It was a time, not only to watch the "Bears" play some football, but it was a time when you would come back to visit with friends that you had not seen in a year or more.   

Everyone, dressed up for Homecoming!!  It was kind like a holiday, because you had to go buy something NEW to wear for Homecoming!   

Not only did the school students wear mums, but moms wore them as well....

Source: Pineterest

The sweet smell of all the "Real" mums, filled the air and even today when I smell a mum, it reminds me of Homecoming.

The smell of those mums meant Fall was finally here.  

I can remember hanging each year's mum, up on a bulletin board in my bedroom.  What once was royal blue ribbons, would soon turn a faded purple, but it didn't matter....they would stay up on the wall for me to see!  Can you imagine having anywhere from 4 to 10 homecoming mums hanging up in your bedroom?

These things meant a whole lot to us girls.

Both of our girls, were Homecoming Queens!  First Trista and two years later, Shanda was Queen.  This was a special time during their  Senior years in High School.   I wanted to dig out the pictures of them with their crowns and homecoming mums....but I'm too lazy to do it.   Maybe some time I will.  

It is really very interesting to see some of the gigantic Mums that have been made across this great state of Texas.   If you get a chance, google Texas Homecoming Mums.   

You would not believe how many trinkets and bells can fit on a homecoming mum.  The more the better!!

Anyways.....just some interesting news about HCM's.



  1. I knew nothing about this! I think a lot of people don't, who don't live in Texas. So I Googled the mums. Wow! So many different ones, huge and super. Your header even has one with a light. Very cool!

  2. Hi Shug!

    This is so interesting!! I think it is a wonderful tradition and I love that it has been passed down through the amazing! I would have kept them as well, I love that kind of thing. Thank you for sharing this most wonderful, Texas tradition!!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. I've never heard of this before. I did Google Texas Homecoming Mums. Very pretty and very interesting. I can see both your daughters being homecoming queen...both are beautiful.


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