Saturday, August 24, 2019

It's a "Happy Birthday" to me kind of Saturday!

My kiddos make me laugh when it comes to my age.   I honestly do not think any of them really know how old I am.  I think I've been 49 for YEARS!  This year, I told them I was turning 56....after all, my daughters are now in the forties, and my son-in-laws are in their upper 40's.

Sam has a Birthday Dinner planned for me tonight, and I can't wait to celebrate.....  

It's a great day to be 66!  



  1. Happy Birthday. Hope you are being treated like a queen.

  2. Happy Birthday!

    If you lie about your age, eventually you will have to lie about their ages too! 😂

  3. Happy Birthday!! That is so funny about your age. Guess when kids get in their 40's it's time to move on up. :) You absolutely do not look 66. Hope your birthday dinner tonight is wonderful.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful celebration! You are young compared to me. When you are really old is when you can't even REMEMBER how old you are! Then you can honestly become any age you want! Happy Birthday!! Those cupcakes look SO good!

  5. Happy happy birthday. Shug, I know your birthday dinner is going to be so much fun, I quit counting at 39~ Actually I always tell my dr not to judge me by the number on my chart. ~wink~

  6. When I moved to New Zealand, I told the stepkids that I was 'older than dirt' and never disclosed a number for a long time. Once, the stepboy picked up a rock and said, 'Here's one of your old friends!'


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