Thursday, August 22, 2019

As I sit here this morning in "my chair".......I can see the sun shining in through the windows with great force.  The light is not only coming through the windows, but it is also beaming through the set of French Doors that separate the office from the living area of our home.  

Thank all can not see what I see!!  😎

The picture that I am seeing is not so pretty!!  LOL.   My windows need Cleaning!  I Love seeing the Sunshine....but oh my, I sure need to clean some windows...

This made me think: 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I am so very thankful that God see's my life through HIS lens and not through a lens that the world sees.    HIS light shines through my life, and HIS love transforms my life into something that I never knew could be.   

God's Love "Shines" supreme!!

"Thank you Lord for the reminder this morning, that YOU are able to cleanse me and give me a bright life, in order for me to serve you  with a pure heart."  

May each of you enjoy your Blessings today....



  1. My windows need cleaning so badly by now.It is good that God sees us through His eyes of love.

  2. Hello,

    I love the sunshine too, always a beautiful sight to see. I have been doing some housing cleaning today. It is not fun. Wishing you a great day and weekend ahead.

  3. Indeed, God sees the heart! Your sunflower header is stunning!

  4. Shug, thank you for this reminder. God's love is never ending! THank you for linking up today!!!!!!!

  5. Hi there Shug! I've missed you and love catching up with you a bit today. Enjoy your evening! Hugs!

  6. Well from here the windows look fine. I love that picture...the french doors, the sun shining through, the big leather chair, and the sign. It's beautiful. I still can't believe that last week we finished cleaning the last window and screen in the house. What a good feeling. Of course, we have a small house.

  7. Beautiful thoughts, dear Lady,

  8. There are so many fantastic scenes that God gives us to see, but knowing He doesn't see the same way we do sure makes me grateful.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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