Monday, August 26, 2019

A little "This and That"........

I love it, when the family gets together.......which is quite often!!

As you can see, we have a serious game of "darts" going on......Trista and Shanda were both concentrating so hard and this next picture will show you just how serious the game was...

When the tongue comes out......You know it is serious!   

I played a game or two, but the darts did not hit anywhere near the dart board.  I need practice!

These two sure do love each other....Lots of sister love!


Hard to believe that this "Granddaughter" is a SENIOR!

A small photo shoot.......LOL   It was a HOT day and we were
trying to keep Tori cool.    LOL....

Wild sunflowers at the farm, make for some good photos!!


A Must Try!!!

A toasted bread slice....cream cheese spread.....tomato....Sea Salt and pepper!    YUM!


A gorgeous Sunset.  I took this picture with my iPhone, so it's just a tad bit blurry...

and I'll leave you with this....thought it was Cute.



  1. You have the most beautiful family!!! I love darts, but am like you. I bet I could not even hit the board. But it is fun watching the others. Beautiful sunset!

  2. Oh! It looks like your family knows how to have fun. It's getting close to supper and those tomato sandwiches look really good.

  3. Great family photos, Shug, yes when the tongue is out there is serious business going on, my dh teases me all the time!. You have a beautiful family, I am happy you can get together often, our family lives in several states.
    Thank you for sharing, have a blessed week.


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Something New

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