Monday, July 29, 2019

A COOL way to Cool Down


Sherbert is so refreshing anytime of the year, but it is especially great during the Summer Months.  

Which of the flavors is your FAVORITE?

I like them all......


I do appreciate so much, even the small things in life.  Sometimes those small things are the ones that we overlook, but yet they are the ones that bring us many smiles throughout any given day.  

Just today, one of our grandsons was on the phone with Sam and during their conversation, I sneezed (from across the room where Sam was talking to him on the phone) and I didn't even give it any thoughts.

About 2 minutes later, I got a phone call from this same grandson, and he just wanted to tell me "Bless You" because he heard me sneeze while he was on the phone with his pops!

Such a simple thing....but, during my phone call, I also got an "I love  you" from him as well.   Gosh...those three little words gave me a big smile.

This one phone calls reminded me of how valuable my grandchildren are to me.     I absolutely adore them...  

Hope you all have a great evening...



  1. The sherbet header looks so delicious!! I bet you have several of these in your freezer, too. I am more of an ice-cream person. Mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip. What a lovely thing for your grandson to do!! It was so special, I think most kids would not have done it.

  2. That is one precious grandson.

  3. Grandchildren are one of God's greatest gifts, and a call from one of ours always makes us smile too! you are so right it is the simple things that matter,
    Have a blessed day.

  4. What a sweetie- he sounds like a well raised young man. Grandchildren are such blessings.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...