Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Crazy Bird.....

What is the State Bird of Texas?   A Mockingbird......

And....I have had my fill of these somewhat aggressive birds this week.   Evidently, there is a nest of birds in the tree that is beside our driveway.   

Yesterday morning, as Sam was taking the trash out to the edge of the drive, a bird swept down towards him.  I walked outside, and sure enough, there was a mockingbird out there making such a hideous chirp.  


I din't really think anything about it until I later went outside to water some pot plants.  The pot plants are kind of close to the tree near the driveway!  

Suddenly, a bird flew to the gutter, right above my head.  The crazy thing would  not be quiet.  It kept making loud "Bird noises" lol......over and over again.  Then, it flew down towards me!  It really scared me, and as I swung around, the water hose splashed water all over my face.    ARGH!! all are not gonna believe this!!

Later in the afternoon, I was walking over toward my neighbors house and the bird kept darting at me and ended up perching on a power line.   I was almost to the neighbors house, when Tucker drove into my driveway and honked his horn.   I started back towards the house and I could still see the Mockingbird sitting on the line, but didn't think anything about it.  

As I approached the area near the tree......(MY BACK TO THE BIRD)   the psycho thing came sweeping down and pecked me on the back of the head.    I'm telling you, it hurt like CRAZY!!

My head is still sore today!!!

I feel like a prisoner in my own matter what door I try to go out, the bird is outside making that ridiculous  noise, just daring me to walk out to the driveway!   Have you ever heard of such? flowers need watering but I can't go out there for fear of bring pecked again.   LOL....

Seriously....I thought my head surely had to be bleeding yesterday.  It hit me hard and I'm totally surprised that the thing didn't hurt itself when it hit my head.   

I hope this doesn't last long.....those eggs need to hatch....OR....those baby birds need to fly away so the parents will leave me alone......

I'll keep you posted......



  1. Oh MY!!! YES, I believe you, and I can surely sympathize. Because I have been attacked by a Mocker too!! This one had a nest near the roof of a mall, and would attack the shoppers as they tried to enter. It attacked my head, thank goodness that was back when I could actually run! Those mother mockers will viciously defend their eggs! To this day, I try to stay clear of them. Even when your babies hatch, then the mother will be protecting THEM! But maybe you can run in and out when she is feeding them. The eggs are beautiful. Maybe wear a hard hat...

  2. Oh my goodness! That is crazy. Maybe you need to get a construction hard hat and then let the bird try pecking that.

  3. Mocking birds are so aggressive, Shug, but this is the first time I heard of them attacking someone. We had some barn swallows that tried to build a nest on our porch and would swoop down toward us, it was very intimidating! We stopped that before they were finished by hosing the mud it was so hard to get if off. They eventually left and went somewhere else.
    Have a blessed weekend.


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