Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Another Summer post??   YEP!

When I was young, when school got out for the summer......we were able to enjoy a very L-O-N-G  Summer.  From the middle of May until the first week in September, was our Summer Break and wow....what a fabulous time it was.

Of course, the school buildings were not air conditioned and here in Texas....that would be like sending kids to school to learn in a HOT OVEN.

I can't believe that as of MONDAY, my girls (teachers) will be back in the school.  Then, two weeks later..the grandkids go back! 😓

What fun is that??

I'll be losing my retail therapy sidekicks as well as my Southern Sweet Tea drinking crew!!

I'm guessing I'll be fine........LOL

Hugs to all....



  1. I love this quote, and also think there is some truth in it! YES when I went to school we had the same long summer vacation. I wonder why they have gotten so short now?

  2. We used to have a long break like that too. For us, school ended the first week of June and started again the day after Labor Day. I don't know how we got 180 days in!

  3. Out here we go back to school on September 3rd. Take some time, just for you now.

  4. I sure remember those long summer breaks and our schools with no air conditioning. Those were the good old days. :) Your header picture is absolutely beautiful. Wish I could get my little front porch looking just that way, and keep it that way year round. Wouldn't that be pretty!


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Shower and Travels

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