Saturday, July 20, 2019

SUMMER  FUN.........

Summer is so HOT, but....even though the temps or so very warm and humid, we can always find fun things to do !!!!

Tori and her parents, visited the Oklahoma Zoo this past weekend and Tori had a blast.   She had the opportunity to get up close with several of the birds and animals.  

Feeding the Giraffe was one of the big highlights, as well as getting to ride a camel....

And Then......

It's always fun to take "Frog" pictures with your Bible school..     Tyler and Keelan look cute, don't they?

Who wouldn't want to have their picture taken inside of a heart?  
Mylee went to the Pecan show with us and this big ol' "Frisco" heart was just outside of the convention center......

           Can't beat pool time.......This is great for cooling off!!!

Mom...."Shanda Kay" watching as the kids played.

One of my favorite pictures......Trey ordered his 
welding helmet and even though it has been very hot outside....he wanted to try it out.    He loves welding!!

Summer, Winter, Fall or Spring.......who doesn't love riding a 


Yes.......Lots of Summer fun all around and MORE TO COME!!

Stay cool, and stay hydrated!!



  1. These pictures really ARE fun! You figured out how to post your pictures again with a real bang!! What a cute seal! I think my favorites are Tori & the bird, the giraffe, and Shanda Kay. No one let the heat wave keep them from having fun!

  2. Sounds and looks like you all are enjoying the summer, even in the heat.

  3. Looks like you are having a fun summer Shug, it has been so hot and humid in our state too! I am now beginning to look toward fall temps. You are so right hydration is so important, Have a blessed evening.

  4. I love the pictures! Looks like you all are having fun this extremely hot summer. I love a carousel or Hobby Horses as I've always called them. Every year at the state fair I plan to ride them, but lose my nerve. :)

  5. Shug, you have the happiest looking family :)

  6. Looks like some summer fun going on. It's humid hot here...realy for fall.


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........