Thursday, August 15, 2019

Good morning friends.   The past two weeks have been like a  world-wind.   A whole lot of busyness. 

Today is the start to the 2019-20 school year!  Wow...Summer went by fast!    I've enjoyed seeing all of the cute pictures on my FB page, of the kids dressed up...holding their backpacks!  Prayers for a safe year!!!!


One thought that I would like to place on your hearts today, is that when we pray for something, we must always remember to give God the Praise that HE so deserves!  Praise HIM and Thank HIM for all things.

As I lay in bed last evening, I was reminded of my prayers just the evening before.   So often, we/I fail to Thank God for even the smallest of prayers that have been answered.   

I never want my repeated prayers to become so repetitive, that I fail to thank the Lord for His goodness.   I pray for protection over my family every single day.......   This means that it is so very important for me to Thank God and to Praise Him, for protecting them.  

Thank you Lord for hearing my simple prayers.

"As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee. You alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship Thee."

Enjoy your day!


  1. Lots of people fail to thank God for all the good things, but He is always forgiving! And this is a good way of reminding people. I love your header, it makes me HAPPY!! Is this in front of your porch?

  2. Thanks for the reminder. It seems to be easier to ask God for things than to give Him thanks. That ought not to be.

  3. Just had this discussion in Sunday School- too many times we forget to just simply praise God for how wonderful He is. I tend to forget to thank him, too. Have a wonderful week!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........