Saturday, March 2, 2019

My hands are always full..
But my heart is always the fullest!!

I'm pretty fond of this little quote.  I am a 
busy person.....By Choice!  But I can promise
you that every single adventure, somehow ends up
bringing me incredible joy.

I have so many examples of simple things, and I would love to share one of them with you.  


I don't know about you, but Friday's are "Lively"
 days for me.  I kinda (knowingly) overfill these days.
This past Friday was no different from any of the other
Friday's that I have marked on my calendar, with the 
exception of needing to attend an event that I was
sure would not fit into my day.

My day began with a trip to Tyler (our closest big city) and then home again.....Within any hour, I was headed back to Tyler to help Tucker take care of some business.   Then it was back home for me.

The next thing on my list was to get in my car and drive about another 20 miles to an event that BVT was involved in.  As I have mentioned many times before, BVT is the program that my niece Tammy, attends during the day.   It is for adults with mild to moderate disabilities.

This event was hosted by a private school just outside of Tyler.  BVT would be playing BrookHill in a basketball game, along with some some other physical type drills.

I honestly did not want to fill my afternoon, sitting and waiting for these matches to take place.   I knew that Tammy would be riding with BVT, so I was trying to excuse myself in every way possible from attending.   

BUT.......I did go and after having to drive around the parking lot about 6 times in order to find a place to park my car, I really was not sporting a huge smile on my face.  

Needless to say..... once I entered the gym and heard the cheerleaders yelling for BVT and the band playing in support of BVT, my attitude began to change.   As I watched these physically and mentally challenged players from BVT, display extreme excitement, my heart began to melt.   

They played their hearts out and each and every one of them were so very happy with what they had accomplished.  Can I tell you that I am so thankful that I did not miss this game!

I was so proud of them and I was very proud of all of the student body at BrookHill.......   Of course, they let the BVT residents WIN THE GAME and they cheered for them as if they themselves were at a State Championship game.   There was nothing but pure support for Breckenridge Village!  

Tammy ended up making 16 points and she was beyond thrilled.

My heart was so full by the time the game was over!!  How could I have not wanted to attend??    A piece of me hurts for having had such a bad attitude.   

Thank you Lord for directing my steps and for the wonderful Blessing that I received from going and supporting these fabulous, sweet, men and women.    

God is Good....All the time!



  1. Your heart is so open to God's leadings for you, that is why it is filled. I think many people may have remained grouchy, but you let God show you the best in your days.

  2. That is just like God to orchestrate your day perfectly.I'm glad you had a great time.


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Look what I Discovered

  Computer Update!   I was able to get an appointment yesterday to get my computer in to the geek squad..  Looks like they will have it for ...