Monday, September 24, 2018

Let me invite you to visit me for some "Table Talk" this morning.   Don't you just love {Table Talk}......   You know, just sitting around the kitchen table, enjoying a good hot cup of coffee, while catching up on life's happenings.  

I love coffee!  and I especially love it when the weather is Cold.'s not COLD here!  But I still love coffee!!!

I also love German Chocolate Cake....   You just can't beat a "made from scratch"  GCC.   Yes, Of course I made it!!!    My mother made these all the time when I was growing up.   Our family's ALL TIME FAVORITE cake.  

This cake is so rich and so tasty.....the more icing you have....the BETTER it gets.  

Just look at this picture I took with my cell phone camera.    Another quilt barn....    Found this one on our trip to Tenn and North Carolina.   

Excuse me for just one moment.....I thought I heard the door bell ring!!!

I'm back.......could I get you another cup of coffee??

Did I tell you that we are planning a wedding!!

Not a wedding for me!!  And both of our daughters are already married....

Grandson No. 1 is getting married!!!!!!!

Here is his sweetheart..... Let me introduce you to Emalee!
She is so SWEET and we are so excited for her to soon be joining our family.

As you all know......{Grandson} Tyler is in the Air Force.....

He was able to come home last Friday for their Engagement Party!

The party was so very nice and it was wonderful to be able to celebrate 
Tyler, Emalee, and Keelan.   

a February Wedding is in the plans.


Ummm.....Lets see.    What other news do I have to share?

RAIN!!  We have had a lot of rain this past week!  We have also had millions of "Army Worms."     OH MY......I've never seen so many worms.  The whole countryside has WORMS!  Not to worry....Sam has the spray to get rid of them.  

I've certainly enjoyed visiting with all of you today......

See you tomorrow!!




  1. How great to have coffee with you today! It is raining here, too. Congrats on the engagement, I bet you are so excited!! Again, you have such a beautiful header. And I love the barn!

  2. Well, that's exciting.A wedding is so fun.I know you will have a great time.I'll have a slice of that cake with a cup of coffee, please.

  3. Ah---congrats to Tyler and Emalee..... Knowing you, you will LOVE planning that wedding. Texas Weddings are GREAT --and are done first class!!!!!

    Glad Tyler got to come home for the engagement party.... I'm so happy for them--and for YOU and Sam.

    IF you'll share some of the German Chocolate Cake with me (shake out all of the calories please), I'll come and we can have coffee at your kitchen table....


  4. A grandchild getting married! How exciting. You have a lovely family.

  5. I'd love a slice of that gorgeous cake, it has to be delicious! Have fun with the wedding plans!

  6. A wedding!, wonderful!, and cake, wow, that cake is a beauty!,

  7. THAT cake! Oh my! I wish I had a slice right now.

    Congratulations to the upcoming wedding, so happy for

    M : )


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