Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I don't know about the rest of you, but I totally enjoy rowing at a gentle speed....

I once read that if you row your boat too miss so many beautiful things in life.  

This is so true.  

Allow yourself to gently row through this day......absorb every single moment that this day has to offer.  



  1. Thanks, I needed to hear this today, row gently and slowly. That is so much better than when I sometimes feel rushed and in a hurry.

  2. You header is beautiful! You sure have a lovely artistic way with your blog headers. I totally agree with this. Age and medical problems have slowed me down so much, but I experience things that the younger people pass right by.

  3. Whew....the gentle speed is the best. When it gets too fast, it becomes stressful!

  4. It is always a good idea to take time to enjoy the present and whatever it is that is around you.

  5. Hi Shug~

    I love it...I have been visiting my mom, who is slowly passing...planning her funeral...and trying so hard to make these days slow down. Although I wish a very gentle passing for blessed... I needed to read this today.

    Hugs and Love,


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