Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Welcome My Guest Blogger.....

Hey Y'all.....I have a huge surprise!  On this Tuesday afternoon, I have a Guest blogger......   It is  none other than my youngest granddaughter....Mylee Jo!!

Mylee is 10 years old and she will be going into the 5th grade in just about 3 weeks.   


Hi, this is Mylee and Shug is my grandmother. I love, absolutely LOVE, "Ty" babies. It's kinda my thing to collect them. Uuuh, lets see, how many do I have 1...2...3...well you get the point. To be exact, I have 43 and I'm not planning on stopping now. I'm posting a picture           
of them, it's a lot of them right?   
 Now, this is just the beginning of  my collecting them.  
I really want to start a blog.  see you next time bye for now!

Have a nice day!
Mylee Jo


  1. Great blog post Mylee.
    Love all your animals.

    M : )

  2. Glad to hear from you, Mylee!

  3. What a cute collection Mylee and a nice post.

  4. Hi Mylee Jo. It is so exciting to see your post! I think you have arranged the Ty Babies very artistically! Let me know when you start a blog, I will be one of your first followers.

  5. Thanks Mylee Jo for sharing your collection with us.I look forward to hearing more about it.

  6. Hi Mylee!

    You are an awesome blogger!! I love your, Ty collection, looks like they are all loved! You keep blogging and I'll keep reading!! And just so you know, you are adorable!

    Hugs and Love,

  7. Very cute, Mylee! That's quite a collection you have!

  8. So nice to meet you Mylee, love your ty babies, good luck with blogging.

  9. Hy Mylee, Thanks for your blog post today... You did a GREAT job... Love your Ty babies.... Do you have an all time favorite one???

    Hope your sweet Grandmother will let you blog more often.

    Betsy from Tennessee


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