Friday, July 13, 2018

I've been putting it off.....but yesterday, I made the decision to stop at a large business, to pick up a few things that I have been needing.

Gosh.... I do not know why I always dread going there.   Seems like I always spend a lot of money when I go....which could be one of the reasons I put it off until I absolutely have to might be that I don't like the big crowds!  This business is certainly a busy place!!!

Here's my story for today!  I got all my shopping done yesterday,  and then I checked out and paid.  As I'm headed out to my car, one of the guys who works there, said to me....."Would you allow me to make you smile this morning, by loading all of your stuff into your car for you?  That way you can go ahead and get your car cooled down."  

Now..... this guy had sweat streaming off of his face.  He was one of the guys that gathers the carts from out in the parking lot, and makes sure that there are carts in the Entrance for all the shoppers.

I told him that he had already made me smile, just by offering to help me.  I then thanked him and told him that I needed the exercise and that I would load it myself.  I told him that I certainly appreciated him offering.   

It was so hot and humid out in that parking lot.....  as I was walking away, I heard this tiny voice.  It was the other side of my brain that said...."Are you crazy?  Do you know how stinking HOT it is out here?  What were you thinking by saying you needed the exercise?  You've never worried about exercise before!!!!!"

This young man was so very kind to offer to help me......and, as I got in my car, I saw him run over to help a man and woman... I watched a few minutes and I saw him load all of their items in the trunk of their car.  He then took the buggy and went back to his job of moving carts.

As I drove off..... I thought to myself.....why is it that good things like this never get talked about?  If something bad had happened, like perhaps he had accidentally hit the side of a car with a buggy.....then a manager would have been contacted immediately!!

OR..... if he had just looked at someone wrong, then you can bet that he would have been reported to management.   

I have the phone number for this business keyed into my contacts, and I have Blue Tooth, so I decided I would call and just let the manager or assistant manager know how polite this young man was.

I called and got customer service and explained that I wanted to speak with the manager or the AM.    Before I could even say another word, the woman on the other end of the line responded in a very gruff voice..... "What's the PROBLEM...?"   I could hear total frustration in the tone of her voice.  

I said..."Mam....I would just like for them to know that they have a very kind and helpful young man working for them and I would like for the management team to recognize him for his kindness and his work ethics."

We spoke for a few more minutes and she took the description of the young man I was talking about.   She assured me that she would let the manager know that I called.   

I know that places like this are very busy, and I know that they probably get a lot of complaints.  But, from the tone of her voice, I'm guessing, that they do not receive very many compliments....!!!!

Isn't it sad, that in our everyday life, we automatically think of everything being a Problem?  I know that I don't work in the business world, and that I don't see many of the things that others see......But, I would certainly hope that if I did, that I would at least be able to look for goodness and not assume that just because someone wants to speak to the person in charge, that there is a 
always a Problem.  Did someone say...."Negativity?"

Here is the definition of Problem......
  1. 1. 

    a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.

    synonyms:difficultytroubleworrycomplication, difficult situation; 

Also:  a source of perplexity, distress or intricate unsettled question.   

Because of this One question coming from the lady in Customer Service, of "What's the PROBLEM".....I almost felt defeated in trying to recognize the goodness, the kindness, and the hard work....that I had witnessed from this man.   Thank goodness, his attitude made a huge impression on me and I was determined to let his good deeds be recognized...

I hope that this small scenario in life that I have talked about today, will inspire each of us to pay attention to our own reactions, as to how we respond in our everyday life.  

Shug 🌹


  1. if the world had more people like you it would be a much better place!! I hope that the manager passed on that message!!

  2. How good that you called to praise instead of all the complaints they usually get. I hope the helpful young man receives the nice feedback.

  3. Well, so much joy AND sadness in this post! Seems that nowadays not many people like their jobs, and you can tell the ones who don't. This young man is outstanding to go way beyond his job! Our purpose here is to lift people up, and help them along the way if we can. Too bad this lady is the one who answers the phones.

  4. A great story for sure.
    Unfortunately this is the world we live in.
    I hope the person you talked to follows through
    with speaking to the manager and they recognize
    the young man.

    Sounds like despite his environment ie: heat he
    still was going out of his way to help those
    around him.

    M : )

  5. Hi Shug!

    I love your positive outlook on life!! You are just the best example to Christlike and kind, I love you to pieces!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. This is certainly a good news story.Yes,that man needs to be applauded and I need to remind myself to be more aware of small acts of kindness like that.

  7. Oh Shug...bless your heart! I too wish more people would see the good in others and recognize them for their efforts to make this a better place to live and 'shop'. I did this one time too. There was a girl at Target who went out of her way to help us and when I called customer service they were surprised and totally changed their mood, by getting a happy customers call.



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