Thursday, June 14, 2018

I'm assuming that most everyone has some kind of vacation plans for this Summer or Fall....

Any of you have a driving trip planned?  At one time in my life....I loved driving trips.  I suppose I still might, if the driving trip included some very high mountains and gorgeous rivers.  For the most part, I struggle with long road trips, these days.  

                                       This is Bald Mountain somewhere in the Carolinas...I'm not sure if it's in SC or NC.   I took this picture last Fall and I remember being so scared......because, Tyler was walking out on this huge rock, and about 30 feet in front of him is the edge of this mountain.  It drops off to what seemed to be the bottom of the earth.

I have a lot of friends that are going on Cruises.   I love to cruise.  We have only been on one cruise, but it was tons of fun!!

And of course....there will be lots and lots of people going to the beach.  I love the beach too!!!!  All things are good when you're vacationing on sandy soil with a massive ocean in front of you.  

we don't have any specific plans for vacation this year....I'm sure we will do something, just not sure yet.  

I'm thinking I might need to take a vacation from myself!!!  LOL.  
Oh my.....I have to tell you about my afternoon yesterday.

I had to go to the Doctor and I had to park in a pay to park garage.  
When I was leaving the Dr's. office, the receptionist stamped my ticket so that I would not have to pay.   

I go down to get in my car and at the same time, I'm talking to Shanda on the phone.   I was discussing the results of my Dr's visit.  

I have that little ticket in my hand, so that I can give it to the attendant at the gate where I could exit the garage.   By the time I get there....the ticket somehow disappears out of my hand!!!  
Imagine that!!

I'm guessing that there are about 4 cars behind me, waiting to exit the garage as well.   WELL....since the ticket is no longer in my hand, I assume that I dropped it on the floor.   Sure enough, I see a white card in the floor just beneath my feet.  I bend down and pick it up, and hand it to the attendant.   

He gives me this strange look, and tells me that he doesn't exactly like that fragrance!!   WHAT???  WHAT ON EARTH WAS THIS GUY TALKING ABOUT?

A few days earlier, I was in the mall and I had gone by the fragrance counter to get a tester card of a particular cologne that I have been wanting.   This fragrance card was what was under my feet.  I had given the attendant the fragrance card..

He could see that I was in a panic state of mind as I was looking for the actual ticket.   Finally, he just waved me on.....No ticket needed.
I'm pretty sure the cars behind me were happy that he let me go on.

I just say thank you to the guy who waved me on through!!

I really am a fun person....just come hang out with me for a few will have a GREAT time!  One never knows what I'm going to do!!

SEE......I do need a vacation from myself!!!

hugs to you all....
Shug 🌹


  1. Shug, I am glad you were waived through the gate! lol We have all been in similar situations!

  2. Oh that is a funny story. I could see myself laughing about something like that for a long time.

  3. What a cute post... OH YES----I can think of many times that I need a vacation FROM myself..... ha ha ha...

    We don't vacation in the summer much although we usually go somewhere for a few days to celebrate my birthday in August.... George always asks where I want to go and I always tell him "Somewhere COOLER".... ha

    We do have a trip planned in September --if I can stay healthy between now and then...

    Have a great week and stay COOL.


  4. Hi Shug!

    Oh my goodness, I would love to come hang out with you for a few hours!!! That story is funny...and sounds like something I would do!

    I'm with you, I hate heights, and I always panic when Bob, or one of my grands gets too close to the edge! I like to have my feet firmly planted on the ground. We don't have any specific plans this summer either. We will of course have our annual camping trip with the kids, and we always have a few unexpected day trips thrown in. I was talking to my daughter this afternoon and I told her that next summer, I want to go to the coast (Washington State or Oregon) with all of the kids and grands...that sounds like a good time to me! But, I have to admit that I am a homebody, I love just being home.

    Have a wonderful week-end!

    Hugs and Love,


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