Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The scouting program is changing it's name.....Dropping the word "Boy" and going with Scouts USA.     

What happened to the "Brownies" and the "Girl Scouts?"  What happened to the BOYS?     So, what happens now with Girl Scout Cookies?   I guess they could be called "Scout Cookies!"

The older I get, the less that I like change!!  I don't want to be the negative "49" year old {😉 wink 😉} who goes against change, but Jeez....some things just need to be left alone!!!!!

I prefer to ignore this cute little inspirational quote.  

I'm kinda like.......if things are good, Why change?

Social change is a biggie for me.  Not so much with 
 staying in touch with technology....Just this past week, my group of friends joined "Marco Polo."  A new App that has been around for about a year now.  If you haven't tried it, you need to do so....
We have had a lot of fun using this App.

The reason it's such a Biggie for me is because I truly do not understand "Millennials" and I don't understand their sometimes, selfish, impatient, entitled ways.

I think that one reason Change is hard to cope with is because 
is happening so fast these days.  Gosh....Change was once a very, very slow process!  

I really like the "Walton Family" kind of life style......

Church has changed, schools have changed, jobs have changed and our society as a whole has really changed.

The great thing is:

GOD HAS NOT CHANGED.....Same yesterday, today and Forever!!

Thank you Lord!!

Shug 🌹


  1. Not all change is good.This whole political correctness is gone way too far as far as I'm concerned.

  2. I don't like change either! And it seems things are changing faster and faster! Those rocks in your header, wow! Surely they are glued?

  3. Amen to this! I don't care for change either, even though I know it's inevitable.. But..some of this stuff...I don't know..I have a very hard time with it. Boy Scouts...Girl Scouts? Why did they do that?? I haven't really read up on it. (And probably won't..ha!) As a wise lady once told me...'the pendlumn swings'..



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