Monday, April 30, 2018

Open my eyes that I may see.......

Isn't it amazing how we can all look through the same window, and yet we all may see different things?  

I'm one of those people who opens the blinds first thing every morning......why is it,  that opening those window shutters is something that I do each and every day?  

Because: ~~~~~  I want to see the brightness that shines through my windows.  I want to see what the world looks like outside.  I'm inquisitive about what the day is going to bring.  It's almost as if I'm obsessed with the light.

I know that there are people who never open their matter what time of day it is.   This is not to say that they are depressed or that they are anti-social.  This is just what they choose to do.

I feel sure that if Sam and I were both standing at the window, looking outside together,  there would be some things that would catch both of our eyes.  Especially if it's movement of any kind.   But....I'm pretty certain that I would see things that he would not see and he would focus in on things that I might not notice.  

Perhaps it's not a window that we are looking through.   Maybe it's life....or school....or church....or work.   We all will see things in a different light.  Do our differences give us reason to judge or to be judged?  Not at all.  We are to be humble and kind, even when others see things different from the way we see them.  

My desire is to train my soul to allow the light to shine through me in every way possible.   Listen:  There will be people who will do everything in their power to snuff out your snuff out the beauty that you see out your window.   The good news is:  Cloudy days fade but the glory of God will NEVER fade away.  God's Glory shines all around us and NO ONE, NO THING can take that away from us.........................

No matter what area of life it is.....if it's looking out my bedroom window each day, or if its dealing with issues in life.....I'm going to look for the beauty that God has planned for me.   

For me....I see it like this.....This is my window and I choose to see Good.  I choose to see the things that make me happy and I refuse to allow shadows to dampen my party!!!!!!!

Shug 🌹


  1. YES! My blog is named what it is for a reason! I always open the drapes wide when I first get up, I NEED the light!! The light of God, and the sunlight. And though we all see different things, if we look for the light in things, and for God, then we are all RIGHT. I LOVE your writing!

  2. Hi!

    I tend to see the good in most things, I guess you could say that I see things through, rose colored glasses! I'm with you though, I love to open the shades, and let the light shine in! This is such a gorgeous world we live in, and we need to take a close look at it every single day!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Attitude is everything! Great post!

  4. Wonderful post.Yes,we can choose to see the good versus the bad.Give me the good and let me take pleasure in the beauty God has created for us to enjoy.

  5. Let there be LIGHT..... Don't hide your light ---but let it shine through you in all you do... Many years ago, I was in charge of our church's Youth Choir (teens)... We did a musical called LIGHTSHINE--which was all about shining our lights for God and for family/friends wherever we were..... I had so much fun with those teenagers --and we even took that musical on tour to other churches around the state.... SO many memories...

    SO--open those blinds/shades/curtains ---and let that light in, while you can also look out and see God's beautiful earth/creation. .



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