Thursday, April 12, 2018

Will it be Snuff or Chicken?

Be always humble, gentle, and patient.  Show your love by being tolerant with one another...     Ephesians 4:2


Will it be Snuff or Chicken?  Which would you choose?  It would most definitely be Chicken for me!!

Hey.....we are all entitled to our own opinions and we also get to make our own decisions.....right?

Early today, I was at the grocery store, next in line to be checked out.   As I was placing my items on the counter, I overheard the lady in front of me inquiring about a box of chicken she had picked up from the Deli.   The cashier politely responded to the lady and told her that deli chicken (which is already prepared) could not be
purchased with a Food Stamp card.  The chicken would have to be paid for.

The lady buying the chicken was not very happy, but she allowed the cashier to go ahead and ring it up, along with all of the other groceries she was getting.  As the cashier was finishing up.....the lady told her she needed some SNUFF and told her what kind.   The cashier goes to the area where they keep all the tobacco products and brought back the jars of snuff.

After she rang up the snuff, the cashier told the lady that she needed $$ dollars and so many cents......   Suddenly....the "lady" came to life....saying "if Food Stamps are not going to pay for the chicken, then I don't want it.  I need my snuff!"   The snuff cost more than the chicken.

The chicken had to be unbagged.....Deli department had to come pick up the chicken.......the cashier had to make adjustments to the bill....       MY FEET WERE HURTING.....
and the lady was UNHAPPY.   😠  

I guess you could say her attitude was sorta out of "SNUFF"

Why is it that I always get in the wrong stinking line at the check out counter?   

So my question is......would you have chosen the chicken, or the Snuff?

Just another day isn't it......Life is great!

Shug 🌹


  1. Hi Shug~

    CHICKEN...for sure! I always think it's odd the choices people make in life. If were using food stamps, I would definitely not be using tobacco...but that's just me. But I would have bought the chicken!

    Funny story, I hope your feet survived... ;0)

    Hugs and Love,

  2. That would be an easy choice for me. Chicken all the way.Sometimes we can observe the most interesting things by watching other people.

  3. Oh, my. Getting in a line like that can get a person "out of snuff". Definitely the chicken! Bless your heart (and feet) and that checkers. blessings ~ tanna

  4. It is so hard to NOT be judgmental of other people's choices and lifestyles.... I am glad to hear that there really are things which cannot be bought with food stamps... I've stood behind people in line who buy all of the 'stuff' with food stamps.... I guess there are just some places that don't check to see what they are getting.... Drives me nutty.... But--again, I TRY (don't succeed much though) not to judge.



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