Monday, April 16, 2018

Decorate your life with God's LOVE..........

Oh sweet Mother Nature, you change with the winds and you surprise us each day!!!

The weather has been so very cold around here.......but, I will not have negative energy about this, because many of my dear friends got snow last night.

This is me.....this past Saturday......sitting out in the freezing weather.....watching Mylee play softball.

The wind was blowing so hard and this made the wind chill feel colder than 30 degrees.

a 70 minute game felt like F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!

I have flowers that need to be planted, but I'm afraid to plant them right now.   We actually had a frost last night, so I'm hoping that what I have already planted, will be ok!

I actually have on shorts right now!  It's now 74 degrees, but who knows what it will be like later on tonight.  Our guys are playing ball this evening, and I definitely plan on taking my gloves, and my blanket'S......

Happy Monday.....
shug 🌹


  1. The weather has been wild!
    Sure makes it hard to know how to dress.

    Hopefully your weather will stay warm, we
    are still waiting.

    M : )

  2. Our softball games have been the same...too cold! They cancelled tonight's game due to freezing temps and SNOW! Good grief! Have a good week, Shug!

  3. Hi Shug!

    That's just crazy!! You look soooo cold! Isn't it amazing how we will do just ANYTHING for our grands?! How on earth did she play!?

    Our weather has been the same here in Idaho. This morning, we took one of our little's to the museum to see dinosaurs, and it was 61 degrees guess who wore sandals? When we took her home, it was snowing, and yes, I still had on my sandals! We went out to eat, and I'm sure everyone there thought I was nuts! My new moto...always bring a winter coat...and gloves!!

    Hope we see Spring soon!

    Hugs and Love,


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