Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still....
                                                           Exodus 14:14


I woke up several times last night.   I'm guessing that I was trying to ignore the fact that I knew God was speaking to me.  

Have you ever done this?  I would wake up.....think about my attitude about things, and in just a short while, I would doze back
off to sleep.   This went on forever it seems!

Finally....in the wee hours of the night, I remember saying.... ok God.....I'm listening.  Speak to my heart and help me to close those doors to my broken attitude.  

I will admit....my attitude has been....well lets just say.....not the best lately.   I'm not good with change, and it really presses on my nerves when others expect me to enjoy their changes.   My bad attitude says: "I don't like this and I'm not going to be happy about it!"
The Lord tells me:  "Rejoice in ALL things."  He is in control and whatever the case....HE will work for my good.

I ask......
              why do we have to follow the trend?
              what has happened to the good ol' "ways?"  The way
                       my grandparents and parents did things.
              what am I suppose to do when I feel so miserable?
                       when will it change?

I'm telling you.....the Lord is speaking to me about all of this and I don't necessarily think that HE's telling me I'm totally wrong to have the feelings that I have.  I think HE's telling me not to worry....not to have stress over things.....That HE knows exactly where I'm at and HE understands my feelings.    Perhaps HE is leading me down a different path?

The only way for me to know is to seek God and be willing to listen closely to the path that He wants me to take.... Be STILL and allow GOD to work on my behalf.  

If my attitude needs a change.....then I must be willing to let God help me change it.

If the old road has come to an end and I need to take that new path, 
then I need to let God pave that path for me.

If I am right in the way I believe things should be.......then I must wait for God to change the course.

One thing I know is that God will fight for me!!!   

Night or Day.....God is always with me!

Shug 🌹



  1. What a tremendous comfort it is to know that God is always with us. Change is not easy. May God guide you through each step.

  2. Hi Shug~

    You are right...absolutely right! I love your posts, you always help me to think things through and rely on, God for my answers. Change is hard, I really buck change, but I have found that it was just because I was afraid..the change was not as hard as I thought.

    I love that you wake up and ask for answers! I have a little group of girls, ages 8-11, from my church that I teach every other Monday. I teach them from the scriptures, good standards and morals. This week, I made each one of them a cute little prayer book, a little journal to write down their thoughts after they pray, or like you, when they wake in the night with questions, they can write them down so they can remember to talk to, Heavenly Father about their concerns. He loves us, He knows us, and He wants to help us with every detail of our life.

    I love this post, and if you don't mind, I would like to share it with the other teacher I teach with...so insightful!! Love you, sweet Shug, thank you for teaching me!


  3. Oh my, I hope you and your family are alright. It is a very wise person who is still and then recognizes God's leading.

  4. I think change is the hardest thing to deal with period.
    We as people have our set ways of doing things and
    seeing things and if they change -watch out!
    I guess we just have to listen, which is hard to do too.
    Especially if your having sleep issues.

    Hope things work out.

    M : )

  5. I struggle with you, Shug. To let go and let God. To trust. To wait. To REJOICE. But, He always comes through. He is always fighting for us. blessings ~ tanna


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