Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Oh y'all.....I love this time of the year, minus all the pollen that is floating around.....finding it's way up my nose.   Yesterday, was a day full of sneezing!  

I made two trips to garden centers, and spent the rest of the afternoon planting flowers.  Keeping my fingers crossed that they all live!

How many of you know that squirrels are very smart?  I bought a bird feeder that is suppose to be squirrel proof, meaning that the furry things are not suppose to be able to eat the sunflower seeds.

The feeder is called a "Squirrel Buster."   It has not phased the squirrels that hang out in our trees.

Here is how the feeder works.   There is a tube inside the tube and if weight (heavier than a bird) gets on the canister or perch, the tube goes up and the seeds are not exposed.   

See all those seeds hulls on the ground?  The squirrels have learned that if they shake the canister, the seeds will fall out onto the ground, and wa-la.....they have an easy feast right at there feet.

I have more planting to do today.....Think I might take me a allergy pill first!!

Hope you all have a beautiful day.....filled with many happy thoughts.

Shug 🌹


  1. Oh, bah humbug to pollen season! I've never had allergies my whole life until now when I'm over the hill old! Your flowers are pretty, but none here yet, still way too chilly. Have a sneeze-free day/aummer!

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous!! Both the blooms and the leaves. What are they? I love the color. We have the same feeder, and you are right! But we also have ground feeding birds who eat the fallen seeds. Have you tried Flonase? It really helps me, and is over the counter.

  3. Thank you so much for praying for me Shug! Prayers are worth more than gold. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

  4. I really wonder if there is a squirrel proof feeder.Those critters are much too smart.Your flowers look great.

  5. Love the color of the flower. Surprised to hear about the squirrel proof feeder:)

  6. Good Morning, Since our Spring is SO SO SO late this year (still no leaves much on the big shade trees), we haven't gone through the pollen much YET..... Next week --they say we will finally get some warmer weather. I hope I can get my deck furniture out then. Don't think I have ever had to wait until May to get it all out of the basement and clean it up....

    Because of this cold/cool/damp weather, our Irises haven't bloomed yet --and our Roses (which usually bloom in April/May) probably won't bloom until June this year... What a crazy spring... Did I tell you that our April here was COLDER than February was????? Gads.

    The only 'annuals' we have to plant in the Spring are Petunias. The rest of our flowers are perennials --so they come back year after year.... I'd hate having to plant all fo them every spring. The joy for me is seeing them pop out of the ground and grow gradually into such beauty.

    Have a wonderful remainder of the week..

  7. Love. Love. Love. your new header photo, Shug! So sweet! Yes, ma'am. Neither Evan nor I usually have issues with allergies, but this year, we have both had itchy, watering eyes and runny noses and sneezing! Ha! It was like a SuperPollen Year! Your flowers are so beautiful. And, just so you know, you are amazing! Your create such beautiful, loving surroundings for your family and bless them with so much love. Makes my heart smile.

    As for the squirrels. They are little hoodlums. Ha! They seem to outsmart all those "squirrel-proof" gadgets. Ha!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! blessings ~ tanna


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