Sunday, March 25, 2018

What a Week........

What a busy week it has been!  Pigs, πŸ·πŸ·πŸ·  Rabbits, 🐰🐰Projects, πŸžπŸŒ΅πŸ“·  Baseball, ⚾ Basketball πŸ€ and Volleyball..    AND: The Stomach Bug!  πŸ˜·

This is what keeps us young.....Going  to as many of the grandkids events, as we can possibly make it to.

Mylee Jo and her rabbit!  This was Mylee's first show and I was super proud of the way she took care of details and did not feel intimidated at all.  She got 7th place with her rabbit, which was not bad considering there were at least 30 rabbits in her class.

Trey, Tori and Friends at the livestock show.  The livestock show is tons of fun for these kids, but it is also a learning adventure as well.  
By the time their animal gets to show, each kid has put in hours upon hours, walking....feeding....watering and taking care of their animal project.  Lots of work...and they also learn that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

Tori and Trey just hanging out......

 Mylee waiting for her rabbit to be judged.....

Mylee's rabbit being judged......Oh my, this guy judged 274 rabbits.  I know his hands and feet were aching by the time he finished.

Trey and Tori all dressed up to show their pigs....Of course, you can't show your pig in the arena without being DRESSED UP!
New Boots, Belts, jeans, shirts and lots of primping (Well, the primping is for the girls)

Trey .....just hanging out....waiting to show his pig, Wilbur.

Mylee's project in photography......... She used her mom's iPhone and went out to the back pasture to take this picture of the longhorn.  The weather forecast was calling for storms, and you can clearly see the storm clouds rolling in... in this picture.  She received a Blue Ribbon Award on this project and was able to sell it at the auction for a good price.  

This is another one of Mylee's projects.   A "Rock" cactus garden.
She painted the rocks and after they dried and she coated them with a shiny coat of mod podge, she arranged them in this bowl full of rocks.   She also sold this project at the auction!  This one received a Blue Ribbon too!!

BEST OF DIVISION!!!!!  This is what the purple ribbon is for.  She made two loafs of Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Bread.  The judges chose her bread as Best of Division in the class and she also won a Blue Ribbon for the bread.  

She worked hard on all of her projects and I was so super proud of her!    Tori and Trey did a great job raising and showing their pigs.
The pigs did not make the sell......but both of them will be processed and put in our freezers!  YUM.

I thought this was a cute picture of Tori....Washing her pig!

Lots of lots of Pigs!!  #4695 was my favorite girl in the arena!!

In between all of this......Trey and Carson both had High School Baseball games.....and oh....Tori played Volleyball.  {No pictures of the Baseball and Volleyball games}     Mylee made the All Star Basketball Team and her team was playing in the Regional Tournament.   They won 2nd place....which still allows them to advance to the National Tournament.   

Mylee did not get to play on Friday night.....because the stomach bug hit her on Thursday.     She was a sick little girl.  She was able to play some in the Saturday game.

And now.......for the Really Big News!!!!!  At the Livestock show, Sam purchased 6 raffle tickets for a John Deere Gator like the one shown below.  

About a $10,000.00 dollar value on this machine.    Sam purchased a ticket for ME, one for HIM and one each for Trista, Ty, Tom and Shanda.  

Guess whose ticket Won this Gator?   Not mine!   Shanda won the thing!!!!!   We were all so excited.   

So....this has been my past week.   Exciting and Exhausting!

Shug 🌹


  1. Oh my! I almost get tired just reading about all that activity. It is special indeed that you can attend so many of the grandchildren's events.I'm sure they appreciate that.

  2. Hi Shug!

    Wow, what a busy lady! Are those your cute boots, I love them?! I just love that your grands are showing their animals and loving it. Seriously, that picture of the cute little pigs bottom...adorable! And that furry faces little bunny, so cute...cute kids showing them as well.

    I love staying busy with my grandkids, isn't that what life is about?! Nothing is more fun than seeing your family accomplishing their dreams. I feel very fortunate to live close to my kids so that I can be a part of their life, and I know you feel the same way too, I truly believe it makes a difference for them.

    And you are right, it keeps us young!! Thank you for sharing, I loved this post!!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. What an awesome day! Mylee's projects are wonderful, she is talented. I would have bought both of them. Are those your pretty boots in the header?

  4. WOW! What an awesome week! And, exhausting. LOL! Congratulations to all your WINNERS! I LOVE Mylee's photograph of that longhorn. I see fun rides in store with that Gator! blessings ~ tanna

  5. Trying to figure out where/what fair this is. Used to love that when growing up on the farm, when Dad was on the Fair Board and I could go everyday for free. Lucky Shanda! Enjoy your grandkids! Our one and only grandchild lives in Tucson while we live here in Chicago area. You're a lucky grandma!!!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........