Sunday, March 18, 2018

She believed she she did!!

She Believed she could, so she did!!!

I have talked about my niece many times and most of you already know that she had a brain injury at the young age of ....... 3.

The story goes like this......Tammy, along with her family, 

were traveling down an old country road on a Sunday afternoon, some 39 years ago......August 20, 1978.

As their vehicle approached a hill, another car was coming from the other direction.  Being a single lane country road, both vehicles were  in the middle of the road.   This resulted in a head-on collision, which killed my sister and her husband. (the kids step-dad)     Tammy, along with her brother and sister all had multiple injuries and broken bones.  Tammy's head hit the dash of their car, which caused damage to her brain.

My parents became their care-givers and guardians.  Tammy's brain injury left her with damage to the right side of her body, with very limited use in her right hand.  Because of the brain damage, her intellectual disability does not allow for her to make
the responsible decisions that are needed for her to be a self-functioning adult.

My parents are now deceased, and since Tammy is unable to care for herself, brothers and my niece, along with Sam and myself, all work together to take care of her.  

She attends Breckenridge Village, which is a residential community for adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.   

I am extremely thankful for this place and I am also thankful that BVT is located, only about 10 miles from where we live!!!

When Tammy first started attending the day program there, the staff at BVT set up specific guidelines to help Tammy, according to her particular needs.

One thing that they did, was to start her on a therapy program to help improve the use of her right hand.

For 3 long years now, Tammy has worked hard to achieve a goal.   The goal was to squeeze a ball and in doing so, a penguin would pop up out of the ball.  

I am happy to say that this past week.....She finally was able to squeeze that ball and make the penguin pop up!

This is huge!!

~She believed she she did!!!!~

If you have never witnessed the excitement of a great accomplishment from a disabled have no idea what you have missed.   

Such a simple thing to those of us who have no disabilities, but such a HUGE and amazing happening to those who have struggles.  

Determination has helped her reach this goal...

Thank you Lord for the miracles in Tammy's life.

Shug 🌹


  1. Praise the Lord! That accomplishment must give her great encouragement to try even more things.

  2. It is such a blessing that you all found this place! And also that she has her family. She is very determined, and that will take her far. I love your gorgeous summery header.

  3. What a happy moment and big accomplishment for your niece.

  4. What an awesome post this morning, Shug... I have heard you talk about Tammy but didn't know the details.... Little accomplishments can be HUGE.... That is awesome. Thanks be to God.

    What ever happened to the other two children in that family?


  5. Thankful for Tammy's success. May many more come her way in reward to her hard work and determination! We are very blessed to have Breckenridge Village. So may families have been helped here. Bravo for Tammy! Have a wonderful week, Shug. blessings ~ tanna

  6. Wonderful to hear of Tammy's success. I hope it gives her the incentive to keep pushing forward!

  7. Hi Shug~

    This post just made my heart hurt, I can only imagine how heartbreaking that must have been for your family. Tammy was very lucky to have had your parents and now to have your brother's family and your family in her life to help her.
    What a great accomplishment for her, she should be very proud of herself!

    Being the grandmother of a beautiful, special needs grandchild, who also has brain damage, I can truly understand your love, for Tammy. These wonderful people are so special, and deserve so much admiration for all that they do, because life can be so difficult for them. Our sweet Averi is only 16, but I pray that there will be a wonderful place for her, somewhere where she can socialize and enjoy the company of other people.

    Thank you for sharing, Shug, I absolutely loved this post!! Much love to your sweet, Tammy and congratulations to her for a great accomplishment! It takes a very special person to help raise someone like Tammy, and you are a special and amazing lady!

    Hugs and Love,


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........