Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Two Pigs and a Rabbit.....

Two little piggies.....Dean and Wilbur!  These are the grandkids show pigs.  "Dean" belongs to Tori and "Wilbur" belongs to Trey.

I was there the day that these two little piggies were delivered to the pen.  They were both so very small and just as cute as can be.

Look at them now!!!!!  πŸ‘€   The white one is Dean

and here is Wilbur.

These pigs have GROWN!

Next week is our County "Life Stock Show" and the kids will be showing "Dean" and "Wilbur."

We also will be showing a RABBIT....  This will be Mylee's first year to show, and she is so excited about showing the rabbit.

Fun times for the kids and such a learning experience for them as well.  I'm hoping they all do great with their Pigs and Rabbit!



  1. I think these shows are so great for kids! On the way, they learn the responsibility of rising an animal. You will have to post about how it went.

  2. I hope they do really well in their shows.

  3. I hope Dean and Wilbur take top honors!! And the rabbit!! Fun times! blessings ~ tanna


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........