Sunday, March 11, 2018

~  If only tulips could last a little longer!  I fell in love with the gorgeous orange tulips that you see in my header picture.  I was running a quick errand this afternoon, and happened upon these beauties! 

This was only a small portion, of an array of tulips, that lined the yard.  I kinda stopped in the middle of the road to take this picture.....with my phone.... but oh, how I would loved to have walked up into the yard and taken a whole lot more pictures.

My errand this afternoon, turned into a Blessing for me.  Not only did I get to see so much beauty as I traveled to my destination, but I also had a visit with an amazing lady, who I so admire.  

It is a true Blessing, when a friend who has had way more than their own share of hurt this past year.....touches her friends heart and gives her much encouragement.  

What a beautiful day it has been!!

Shug 🌷  


  1. The things we will do for blog pictures! But it was worth it, they are gorgeous! And I need a bit of gorgeousness tonight, so thank you! Your friend has blessed you, and you have blessed me with this beautiful post!

  2. Hi Shug!

    Oh my goodness, Tulips, and gorgeous ones at that! I'm hoping that one day soon we will see flowers...or green grass. It will happen, I have faith!

    I love that, God send us in the direction that He knows we need. He knows our needs better than we do, and He always provides, even if we don't realize it. Life is good!

    Hugs and Love to you sweet friend!


  3. You'll have to make a trip to our home in about a month.... Our Tulips are just now getting started... We should have plenty of them in probably about 3 weeks or so.....

    Special people do give us blessings, don't they? You are special.


  4. Visits like those are divine appointments. ;) Blessings for both. Have a wonderful week, Shug!

  5. The tulips are gorgeous! It will be a while before we see any here. Have a fun week!

  6. It sounds like a perfect day. Beauty for you and no doubt, enjoyable for your friend, as well.


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