Saturday, February 24, 2018

Just thought I would let you all know, it's still Raining ☔☔☔⸳
in our part of East Texas!  

Rain, Rain....go away.....come again another day!!

I am ready for some 😎 bright sunshine!

Baseball season is here, but.... it has been so wet that the teams cannot even play!  Rain is in the forecast for next week as well.

"Sugarbaby" aka...Mylee Jo, is still playing Basketball.  I think today might be the end of the season for her, UNLESS she makes "All Star."   If she makes the ASTeam, then Basketball will continue for a couple more months.  

UPDATE:  SHE MADE ALL STAR  🌟.....way to go Sis!!

She's a good little player and she really hustles when she's out on the court.   Check this out.....↓↓↓

Just a small Basketball injury last from last nights game!

She's all good... and, the girl that she collided with, was not hurt.


If any of you have a little too much Sunshine....please send it
my way!  I'm seriously considering buying a light to sit under
to help me get rid of the Rainy Blues!  LOL.  

Blessings to all of you.... 🌹


  1. Rain is good for a while, but we all need sunshine. In my world, we have had a few days of sunshine, but oh how we need more snow.If we don't get that then we will need a lot of rain.Ouch! That owie looks bad.

  2. Well, I am glad this bruise was not near her eye or mouth. Raining here, too.


  3. Well, it's trying to snow here...I'll take the rain, at least it wouldn't be so cold! Although I do know what you mean about the...rainy day blues, I have them too. Lots of vitamin D3, that's my solution, and shopping for something fun, like antique stores or thrift stores maybe Hobby Lobby!

    That bruise looks fierce, I'm glad she's ok! I have a granddaughter who plays baseball and I always feel so bad when she comes away with an injury, it never phases her, she just tells me it's all part of her love of sports; but it's hard on grandmas!

    Hang in there, pretty soon it will be hot!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Here in Kentucky we are getting a lot of rain. A respite today, but much more on the way. That is quite a bruise!!


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