Wednesday, February 28, 2018

 ........... Our thoughts determine our Destiny!   We will go tomorrow, where our thoughts take us!!  ðŸ’™

Allow the ~ Holy Spirit ~ to Lead you........

photo borrowed

I am so very thankful for the Holy Spirit, living in me.....Oh my, when I stop and think about my tomorrows being led by my own thoughts....Wow, that's a scary thing!

What can I do to make sure that my thoughts do not cause me to fail?

I need to focus on God's word....I need to know God's word..
and I need to find my quiet place and listen to God. 

         "And you will seek Me and find Me, when your search for Me with all your heart"
                                                                   Jeremiah 29:13

Shug  ðŸŒ¹


  1. Yes, indeed! Even our own emotions cannot be trusted. This is why we need toe word of God and faith! This is one of my favorite bible verses.

  2. Hi Shug~

    What a good post, and a great reminder to always listen to the Holy Spirit, He really does want to help us to always make good choices, and to listen...that's the hard part for me. I know that I am prompted many times a day and sometimes I listen, but the stubborn me doesn't always pay attention. And, you are right, we need to find a place that is quiet and serene to hear that, still, small voice of the Spirit.

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Amen and amen. blessings ~ tanna


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