Monday, January 8, 2018

I'm beginning to think that someone needs to come on over and give me a swift kick in the bottom end.  I don't like to complain, but this Bronchitis stuff that I get once or twice a year....has not been very nice to me this year.   

My goodness....I don't know which is worse...the Bronchitis itself, or the Medicine!  I'm finishing up my second round of a steroid shot....a shot of antibiotics, cough medicine and more.   I still like about a weeks worth of antibiotics and hopefully I'll be done with pills.    

I'm thankful that I don't have pneumonia.....!!  I sure don't like taking meds though.   I honestly have not had the energy to do anything.   The most comfortable place for me has been sitting in the recliner......doing nothing. 8:00 P.M. I start watching the clock so that I can go to bed. 

How pathetic is all of this?  It's terrible.    I have things to do...I even have gift cards to spend.....All I need is a huge dose of Energy!

Everyone stay well....wash those hands... and don't go anywhere you don't have to go...



  1. Yes, I have been sick since Christmas; everyone is sick here and the E.R.'s are overflowing, some have put up tents outside! The flu...I am so glad we do not have the flu!! And maybe we do need a little down time. Hey, is that benights I see??

  2. Be well soon Shug. This is the second day I have been sick so I sympathize.

  3. Hope you feel better soon, but until then,likely the best thing you can do is rest and allow your body to heal.

  4. Hi Shug!

    I'm so sorry...I should just come down and hang out with you...I have the same thing and it's horrible!! The medicine is the worst part, I hate antibiotics, and the cough syrup doesn't really work for me, it doesn't even make me tired. I agree that it's better than pneumonia, I had that last year and it really knocked me for a loop! I'm so glad that you don't have it - but keep taking those steroids, they will help a lot! And, that lack of energy...holy cow, I can barely go up and down the stairs - it's gotta get better, right?!

    You are in my prayers sweet friend!! Get well quickly!

    Hugs and Love,

  5. Sometimes I think that we get sick when it's truly time to SLOW DOWN and do things like sitting in a recliner.... Maybe you are looking at it wrong... Maybe you should relax, take your meds and get well...... Is God telling you to slow down a bit????? Maybe so....

    I don't like taking medication either but sometimes it is necessary. When I had a hip infection several months ago, the doctor put me on Prednisone. WELL--it helped the hip but it also caused my blood sugar to DOUBLE..... That was worse than the hip problem... SO??????? It's all a crap-shoot!!!!!! ha

    Take care my friend.... And --please just RELAX and get well.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Green Day

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