Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Hang on.....this is what I keep telling myself.   Tomorrow will be better!  It will be a new day!   I even humored myself today when I took a look at myself, in my bathroom mirror.    It says a whole lot about a person, when..... even your dog doesn't want to hang out with you.

Do you really think that there are people out there that enjoy taking Steroids?  Geez....these things are from the devil.  My goodness..  Not only do they make you irritable, but they also make you HUNGRY!

I have been starving and yet....nothing taste good at all.    It's like you can't stuff enough food into your mouth.  My eating schedule has been like on the 15's.....every single hour!!   1:00 ~ 1:15 ~ 1:30 ~ 1:45 ~ 2:00.      YIKES!!!!

What hasn't made me mad......has made me madder!!  Is that even a word?  Seriously....let me tell you, steroids can make you have a really bad attitude!

I'm just here to tell you that I don't like taking the things!!

Now....  On to a better topic!

My sweet "Bella"

She is the sweetest, most precious little dog.   She was born with one eye....but this has not slowed her down ANY.
I've had her for about 8 years and I can definitely tell that she's getting older.

It has been a couple of months since we had her pampered....and WOW....she really needed it!

This time....I used a new lady to come give Bella a good spa day!

Check this out!!

Yep...that is a cute little Mini school bus.....parked in my circle drive.

This groomer has a little mini school bus that she drives and comes right to your front door.....to take care of your pet.
She picked Bella up at my front door......took her out to her mini bus.....gave her a bath, trimmed her, pampered her, dried her and delivered her back to my front door.

How much easier could it get?   I love this idea.....and I love not having to drive 20 miles to take Bella to a groomer....and 20 miles to go back and pick her up.   I'm SOLD on this for sure!!!

Plus....I love that little school bus!   I think I would like to have one for myself....just to drive around!!



  1. First thing I noticed was the tiny school bus.How cute!

  2. That groomer has a great idea, the school bus is cute and the service is convenient. Taking steroids sounds awful, I hope you can stop soon.

  3. The school bus is the cutest thing! But not cuter than adorable Bella. I do not remember ever seeing her on your blog!! I have to take a low dose steroid three times a day for the rest of my life. And my friend has a disease and has to always take prednisone every day. It really does keep you from sleeping, and make you always hungry and nervous. How much longer do you have to take it? I hope not long. You must be taking a large dose.

  4. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, I hope the
    medicine helps.
    Great idea using a little bus for a grooming space.

    Take care!!

    M : )

  5. Hi Shug~

    Oh, that cute, Bella!! I'm not sure my big old Lab would get on that little bus, but it's a wonderful idea!!

    I'm so sorry that you are struggling with the steroids, they really do stink! Hopefully you can get that dose weaned down in the next few days... :0( keep taking them, I know you'll feel better if you do.

    Hang in there!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. What a neat way to get your pet groomed.. AND --what a neat way for that lady to make a living with her little bus.... LOVE it.

    Do you have any blood sugar problems? Have you been checked for Diabetes Type II????? When I took Prednisone (which is a steroid) for a hip infection this past Fall, my blood sugar doubled.... That can make you hungry.. It can make your eyes act strange. It can make you thirsty..... You just feel lousy!!!!! Just a thought --if you continue having trouble....


  7. Oh, Shug. The steroids are tough. Evan was on them for an extended period three years ago. It was not an easy time. Hoping you are off and feeling much better soon!

    That mini school bus grooming business is a very clever idea! Bella is a lucky girl to have the spa come to her... Momma is lucky, too. ;)

    Have a great week!

    blessings ~ tanna


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